Memories of Childhood - Oliver Postgate

…and when the BBC really jumped the shark we had:

Crystal Tipps and Alistair



‘Yoffi’ lifts a finger…

This was too weird for me! :scream:

Don’t remember Ludwig, remember Crystal Tipps with the hair though!

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One of my real favourites, very funny, well I think so anyway:


Jamie and the Magic Torch.

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The Herbs - a classic!!

Barnaby the Bear? I can’t recall the stories, but for some reason I recall his whole song. If you remember he couldn’t sing, but would try with a song that went, “Barnaby the Bear’s my name, never call me Jack or Jane, I will sing my way to fame, Barnaby the Bear’s my name!”

I now can get it out my head- please give me something better to replace it?

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How about - I’m a very friendly lion called parsley? Can’t remember the rest I’m afraid!!

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There was a time I could sing them all at the local pub!


Truly a claim to fame :grin:

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Frightening, I bought Series 1 a few years ago and need to dig it out for the kids:

I never knew DVDs were around in 1900 either!


Marmalade sandwich anyone?!


Voiced by Michael Horden no less and scripted by Michael Bond himself. I loved it.

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He did the voice of Gandalf in the Lord of the rings radio series, a great speaking voice


This one always sticks out for me as well.

The concept and presentation seemed radically different, which I guess was what attracted my young mind and brought out the (rather limited) artist in me.

It genuinely appeared to care about the audience and their potential, rather than being patronising and on trend.



Tony Hart was a clever chap

Indeed and it seemed to me that Take Hart inspired pretty much every art programme for kids that came after it!

To be able to to produce inventive works of art seemingly on the hoof is a talent I wish I had!