Memories of Childhood - Oliver Postgate

I loved the Postgate/Firmin stuff.

I have Bagpuss/Clangers/Ivor the Engine on DVD (partly for me partly for the kids, along with so many others). Vaguely remember Noggin the Nog and was going to buy a copy from ‘The Dragons’ Friendly Society’ some years ago:

There are some videos of noggin the nog on youtube, but I haven’t explored them as yet

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I think Muffin The Mule, Twizzle, Torchy The Battery Boy, Bengo are the oldest I remember. Sparky’s Magic Piano on the wireless (not radio, it had valves and you had to make sure to switch on early for it to warm up!).
A bit older and I remember struggling to track down sheet music and learn to play Guiliani Andante in C, the music to Tales of The Riverbank.

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The first TV my parents had was a valve B&W (Black and white not Bowers and Wilkins!) one which regularly lost the horizontal hold - normally resolved by thumping the top of the TV!


This is where the phrase “on the blink” comes from.

I still have a B&W telly in the loft. I used to use it with my ZX81. :grin:


A colour TV arrived not long after and I remember being gob smacked at the original star trek

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I was about 8 when the first TV arrived, second hand cabinet model with doors. My younger brother would sit in front of the idiots lantern watching nothing but westerns. Dad in an attempt to cut down visited a neighbour who owned a slaughterhouse. One evening, he went round the back of the cabinet and produced a handful of .22 shell cases, telling my brother the TV was filling up and would stop working.


I watched the cowboys on tv. Tex Ritter. Roy rogers. i actually met Gene Autrery at
a wild west show in London. he was a legend in those days. Johnny Cash grew up
listening to him on the radio. he must of been nearly 60. when he came over he also
rode his horse.

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I remember those plus at the back of my mind Bleep & Booster.


I read the Oliver Postgate biography, a very interesting and quite emotional read.

I’d forgotten that, used to be on blue peter I think

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Well done I think you are right.

Yes, ‘Bleep and Booster’ definitely part of ‘Blue Peter’. That episode of BP the other night (‘Petra’s 12th Birthday’ from 1974 - I think I remember it) had the artist who did that cartoon making a sculpture of Petra.

‘Tales of the Riverbank’ wouldn’t pass muster these days - although it was a charming little programme.


Very reminisent of wind in the willows

IIRC there was also, within Blue Peter, “Bengo” who was a small boxer type pup.

My absolute favourite from my childhood was Space Patrol. “Gamma rays on, Yobba rays on!”

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That was with the bloke with the beard wasn’t it?

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Pipkins. Hartley Hare.

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