Milty Zerostat 3

I’ve got one of those boxes…
Last time I looked I’m pretty sure there was also a Sure V15 cartridge…
WOW just looked on ebay what people are asking!

I found my dad’s Dust Bug when cleaning out some stuff. I remember that thing from my youth!

Re-checking… There is also a Naim remote (I use a newer one, which came with my CDX2), a Discwasher (?) stylus cleaner, a 1/4" to 3,5mm stereo jack adapter (which I made) - and some 1/2p pieces…

Wish I could remember what these little stickers were supposed to do…(in the smallest of my three boxes of odd bits & stuff!)

Are the Stickers not for 52/82/102 Input switches…?

No idea, Ian. IIRC, I got them back in the 80s/90s from either Sound Org or Graham’s (or not!).

At the time, I had 32/SNAPS/250 so I think they were some kind of tweak for something else, maybe the Linn as I didn’t have a CDP then. I’m not sure they weren’t just some gimmick or were actually useful.

Some sort of Witchcraft then… :thinking:

Best wrap in foil & bin them…

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I’ll wait for a full Moon, just in case…

And have an incantation or two ready.
Can’t be too careful… :+1:

Garlic… Wooden Stakes… Then zap them with your Zerostat… :rofl:

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Ah, but the blue one or the original white?

I don’t have any garlic - will try a dried prune or two!

Mine is an original - and is White…

Yes…White Magic…should do it.

Now where’d I put my Toad…?

Like some others I found the Zerostat 3 to be totally ineffective. I now use the Furutech Destat 3 which does work, albeit at a very high price.



Out of stock at Music Direct. Thanks for the tip. Will chase it down.

You can buy manual, non vacuum based, cleaners, just a plastic bath and brushes and cleaning solution, about £40-50. I use one, very effective against static.

Laskys now your showing my age! That’s not a name I have heard since childhood.


Don’t forget Cleartone too :slightly_smiling_face:

I have one of those. It’s does a decent job for the money, but can only do a few at a time as you run out of space to dry them.

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