Mini Plug-In heaters that the electricity companies dont want you to know about

The flow temp in my system is dynamic and usually not exceeding 35 deg which actually feels colder if it’s really low :slight_smile:

Mine too.

In these current outdoor temps it runs like this for a few minutes and then switches off until the next call for heat.
If its -10 then the flow temp goes up.

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Unsurprisingly the names I searched didn’t come up as engineers in the field (I had wondered if they’d pinched real names), I’d assumed that the advert used actors, but now you’ve mentioned it it wouldn’t surprise me if they just stole stock footage.

That’s proper high efficiency boiler as it should work. I had to install fans to make the heat pump work. Before it tried to reach high temperatures to heat up the room, but since the fans is hardly ever goes over 35 deg.

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Once the coldest weather is out of the way we revert to Aircon to heat the house. Defrost cycles hurt the efficiency so that’s the crossover point to use the GCH - about £4 per day for 24 hours of heating. Depending on the outdoor temp of course.

Just in case anyone is interested… if you are concerned about a fictitious or inappropriate advert online including YouTube in the UK here is the form to log and have it taken down if indeed it is a scam.

The fourth example covers this use case here.

Oh brilliant, I’ll have a look at doing that.

I’ve noticed a lot of ads on you tube recently of interviews with well known personalities which are then overdubbed with a voice promoting a product or service, musk features quite regularly and also there’s news bulletins with the news reader overdubbed spouting some nonsense. These platforms really have a lot to answer for with the level of bile and fake info they seem happy to cater for, it can only get worse as AI gets a foothold.

Indeed, ultimately it’s a case of not using these services if these things irritate… I have weened myself away from YouTube… and not really missed it at all. More time back to do creative things…

It’s the fact that the platform allows, and promotes via their algorithms, these misrepresentations that irritates me more than the stuff itself. They’re actually profiting from it.

Indeed it’s the system and how its monitors you and monetizes your behaviour. Behind the scenes I am involved professionally with some of the technologies … perhaps that is why am more inclined to increasingly steer away. I have shut down or largely deleted my accounts on several social media services over the last 12-months…

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Don’t forget, there will be a specific reason why you are being targeted with this specific advert.

I receive a lot of adverts for miracle slimming drugs. :grin:

A few years ago I got a few popups for a Geek Dating site. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Had you been watching ‘My Big Fat Geek Wedding’…? :wink:

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Lucky you, I get stair lifts with smiling grannies on it.

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Whilst that won’t create extra heat (well, ignoring the fan itself emitting a tiny bit of heat), it may very well make the radiator more efficient at heating the air by forcing air over it, just like a car radiator, or some amplifiers. That would enable the room heats up quicker and maintain heat better if the radiator is undersized. And that could enable you to run the system with a lower circulation temperature, which might make the boiler more efficient (depends on the boiler), so potentially could in such instances save money (depending also on the running cost of the fan).

Once the radiator has cooled though the fan is just blowing cold air. Unless you equip it with temperature sensitive electronics to vary the fan speed according to the radiator temperature thus turning off once the radiator has reached a set temperature.

It all sounds a faff to cover up a poor setup to me. :thinking:

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Also, the boiler return temperature will be lower, which means the boiler will burn more fuel achieving the required flow temperature.

This kind of thing is used in commercial building with a large glass area.

Control of the gas boiler should be by a proper thermostat (algorithm based) positioned in the coldest area of the house. Once the correct temperature is reached the boiler is then turned off. TRVs on the rads can be used to set a room’s individual temperature.

Heat pumps work best by running continuously at a low level so a room stat might not be needed and the TRVs should be the main control of temperature.

A gas boiler also works best at low flow temperature, return temperature needs to be less than 50c to obtain any benefit from condensing. There’s more to controlling a boiler than switching it on and off.

The flow temperature setting is dependent on the outside air temperature/how well the building is insulated. I do my own weather compensation, set flow temperature high for initial heat up in the morning, lower the temperature once the house has reached target temperature.
At the moment I’m running 70c and 55c.

Maybe they’ve invented Cold Fusion and that’s what powers these things … :upside_down_face: