Mini Plug-In heaters that the electricity companies dont want you to know about

I don’t engage with any ad on YouTube (I don’t watch it much either) but I’m staged by some of the bs that people peddle on my wife’s Facebook feed. Absolute rubbish, wouldn’t trust them as far as I could kick them. Problem is some people are so gullible.

Shocking revelation. The internet is full of clickbait with claims for things that electricity companies, doctors, lawyers, and other experts don’t want you to know about. That all turn out to be utter rubbish.

Well I never!

Ooooh look, a cure for tinnitus that doctors have been hiding for years… better click that. Back later :wink:

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50% of the population has an IQ of 100 or less. Now you understand why the world is the way it is.

No one ever lost money by overestimating how stupid people are. But they sure have lost a lot of money by underestimating it.


This is what great British industrialists have been hiding for you for 50 years:


Mine runs below 45C virtually all the time,

I don’t have any heat up in the morning. Mine runs 24/7 during winter. It doesn’t cost any more.

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In my mind, I see a big difference between written adverts of Facebook and video adverts on Youtube. As Facebook adverts are generally just written words with embedded links, I assume they are all scams. But there is something about seeing a videos that makes you want to trust it a little bit more. Perhaps that is because I am more used to seeing video adverts on terrestrial TV which have some validation. I rarely login to Google when using YouTube, so hopefully that limits their targetting, however I do find myself watching these videos in full with such amazement, and then worry that other non-technical people may fall for this rubbish. Of course these adverts are targeted to the poor, which is so morally wrong, and you must wonder how can a big company like YouTube allow these adverts through without even a basic validation.

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An aside - I closed my FB account yesterday (only set up to locate a relative), as FB somehow picked-up some YT activity and started sending me suggested FB links about same < 2 hours – and it was a YT enquiry about car repairs. They blather on about privacy, yet link across your activity with abandon it seems. No thanks.


Thanks again Simon, I have just reported one of the adverts - very easy to do, took 2 minutes. A fun game of wack-a-mole begins

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