More Power, Coming Soon

Teaser on Instagram… fingers crossed for an Atom HE matching power amp!


Looks possibly more 500 sized to me ?


At last… a series 500 integrated one box solution. Well done chaps


It’s like the side of a Nova but with the heatsinks going right down to the bottom, which does look a bit odd. Maybe it’s the CI-Uniti 102, but then that’s not a power amp, and as the teaser says more power, a power amp seems likely. It will be interesting to see whether it’s Atom HE sized, which would make sense, or part of a new 100 series.

Looks more like a Uniti to me with the facia and plinth effect. Would expect a new 500 series to look more like the new 200/300 stuff.


If a new 500 series would be this close I’m sure they would not have bothered making white LED on them, rendering new pictures, pushing them in social media couple of days ago. It’s something else.

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More like Uniti product, see the resemblance of the picture with Uniti’s sidewall. A “Super Nova/Star/Atom”???


You could be right - the rendering doesn’t seem to show a brushed aluminium front panel, looking at it again. Oh well, that’s a bit boring :wink:

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@Richard.Dane - any chance still to merge the Instagram/Facebook threads?

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If Naim wants to attract youngsters/newcomers into the realm of upgraditis-infected Naimers, they really need to strengthen the Uniti product line with the hope that as they progress in life and career, they’ll move up to the 200s, 300s, 500s and so on.


Indeed. I can see the appeal of the Uniti line. High performance with minimal space requirements.

I wonder if this will spell the end for the Si and XS series ? The Supernait will probably live on in a revised NC style (with appropriate trickled down improvements).


I wonder the same. It would be a real shame if there wasn’t an “affordable” NAIT in the range though, IMO. Even with the changes in source material that are helping the streaming amps, I think there’s something to be said for retaining a small form integrated.

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I’d be very surprised if the Supernait and NDX2 survive for that long. I would expect the Supernait to appear as an updated and facelifted NC product. The NDX2 I expect will eventually go in favour of the NS333. That just leaves the ND5XS, Nait5si, Nait5XS and CD5si. I can imagine these being absorbed into the Uniti range as a beefed up more powerful Star and Nova. Neatens up the range considerably :blush:


From the Naim Audio Facebook page:

Could it be the new 500 series? Under this photo, it’s written “more power to come”.

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Apparently not available for some time. New 500 series makes sense.

Looks like a Uniti side panel?

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It’s a Uniti-something.

@Gazza @HungryHalibut I just noticed that you might be both right, maybe could it be the new Nova? So at this point I decided to change the name of the thread.

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I think if it is a Uniti thing then they will not mention something about power. I guess may be it is new 500 series or a new integrated amp or even a new series

Maybe the new Supernait 4? Digital volume, completely analogue, 150W @ 8ohms.

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