Morgana to Super Lumina DIN-XLR

I have Morgana DIN-XLR today and have tried them against Chord Sarum Super Aray but preferred Morgana.

I wonder if anyone moved from Morgana to Super Lumina DIN-XLR and how that changed the sonics? Or moved from Morgana to anything else and what became better :musical_note:


Morgana paints a relatively dark presentation with richer mids if you like, the SL might feel full of energy in comparison (for me in a good way).
Good Chord cables are somewhere in the middle to my ears.


Well that’s interesting. I have a Morgana DIN 5-DIN 5 from NDX2 to 282 and had a Morgana DIN-XLR on order from Witchhat when they went into administration. Got my money back via my credit card provider and after some searching I picked up a Super Lumina DIN-XLR for a snip (relatively, i.e less than half price) but have always wondered what the Morgana would have brought in comparison. Following with interest….

I’ve tried both with a NAP 250 and NAC 552. The Morgana I thought was fantastic in my system with the 252 and then the 552. A change of room then occurred and I conducted a comparison between Morgana and SL.
This was in 5 pin interconnect and DIN / XLR. The SL presented more detail and texture than the Morgana but that does not say that the Morgana was lacking in that department. It was a close call to be honest but the sheer detail of the SL won out in the end and once heard I couldn’t go back. Both are great cables in my opinion and I now have SL DIN /XLR on the 300 DR.
Not sure if that helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @Steve57…I have Morgana, but always keeping an eye out for SL (at a, gulp, good price)…

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Adding a SL to 272/250DR improved soundstaging, bass, detail. I think there are forum posts from myself on this.

We’d love to add SL to our current setup but SL costs are prohibitive, even used for 300DRl


When you compared with “good chord cables”. Which models was it?

I compared Morgana against Sarum Super Aray and found Sarum bit more lean sounding and preferred Morgana at that moment.

How’s the bass performance on SL vs Morgana DIN XLR?

Have a SL din-xlr on order for a demo
Very interested to hear your thoughts of Standard cable vs SL.

Not exactly on topic, but I went from Sarum Super Aray to cryoed (AV Options in Chicago) SL DIN-XLRs.
A very nice jump in sound!


I haven’t compared Morgana v SL on the 300 DR, but I have used both with a 250 DR. The SL has a starker , more etched presentation but not in aggressive way. Bass is better controlled with the SL and I found it easier to track double bass in the mix. It is however marginal and I certainly don’t think that the Morgana is poor in the bass department. Far from it. The SL is just slightly better. Either are great to be honest. If I hadn’t tried the SL then I would probably have quite happily lived with the Morgana.


I tried SL between 500dr and 552dr…really dissapointing … sounded uninvolving flat and not as good as the std cables. The Morgana sounded dynamic and lush with plenty of new detail a resounding win win. The SL was a demo run in set…


The AVO Signal cables are excellent. Much better the the Chord Signature TA and Witchhat Morgana I’ve used.


My findings were the opposite. Changed the standard DIN/XLR’s to Superlumina and thought it was a massive jump in every area. Voices take on a truly stunning realism. So real in fact I’ve answered them back several times thinking it was the wife talking to me! Very embarrassing!


Chord Signature

I’ve had a chance to compare Signature vs Morgana and later Signature vs SL, not all 3 at the same time.

Morgana can sound as if it has more bass, however in my experience this is due to the warmer sound and probably softer bass.

Between the SL and Signature I would have kept the SL but in the end could not justify the price.

Morgana might go better with brighter equipment or e.g. Focal etc.? Or I guess enhance the richer presentation of the Classic boxes further depending on preference?


Pretty similar system but very different view on SL DIN XLR there :blush: Almost so one can wonder if one was broken.

My SL was brand new

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Its strange…it seems to either to work or not…strange. I even kept the SL in for a month to get used to it…nope just a huge relief when changed back.


It is a strange old universe us hifi people seem to inhabit. Most of the laws of physics and reason don’t seem to apply to us. I do remember reading that you couldn’t get them to work. I will mention that I had to return a new SL DIN/DIN interconnect to Naim that sounded very average. They replaced it with a brand new one that sounded fantastic from the off. I just wonder if you were unlucky and had an off pair? Might be worth loaning again if you have a dealer close by? I always thought my DIN/XLR’s were more fundamental than the interconnect.


Morgana DIN XLR is much better than the original so if SL is another step up I will add it to my shopping list :+1:


I have a set of used Super Lumina DIN-XLR coming hopefully this coming week or latest next. Already have Lumina DIN DIN. Currently my system sounds amazing so I’m bit worried that SL might push the balance out of my preferences but we’ll see :slight_smile:

Did I understand you correct @Geko in that you thought SL DIN-XLR was a bigger better upgrade than SL DIN-DIN?

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