Morgana to Super Lumina DIN-XLR

Yes, that’s correct but with one caveat, they do seem to take some time to settle down. I thought the Din/Din SL was a great replacement and corrected the weakness of both Lavender/Hiline and managed to keep all their strengths. When the Din/XLR went in it took away that slight raggedness the standard Naim leads could sometimes exhibit. Don’t get me wrong, I think the standard leads are great but they are from an earlier era. The SL Din/XLR’s are just so much more refined and opens up the connection between the Pre and Amp to allow you to hear what the 552/500 combo is capable of.


Let us know what you think?

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First notice was deeper bass. Feels like an octave lower than Morgana. Impressive. More to come when they have relaxed and feel welcomed in their new home :slight_smile:


If you’re getting good results already then in about three weeks time things will just be epic. I found the traits of the DIN/DIN are carried through with the XLR’s. That lovely open and tuneful bass, great vocal intonation, piano sounds fantastic etc etc.

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With a full Morgana loom myself, I’m interested to hear what your impressions are over the coming weeks


Not quite a full loom of Morgana here, but considering the same thing. I’ve been considering my next upgrade steps, if any, and what with retirement only a few years ahead I’m pretty much decided on not going anywhere further up the black box ladder. With that in mind don’t mind trying to get the most out of what I have.

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Evaluation continues. There is more air around instruments and details coming from Lumina but it is never bright or tough on ears. Very open sounding adding ease of music flow. If you have heard what SL DIN DIN does the XLR DIN adds to it in a similar way. It seems to sound better and better too. Mechanical stress giving way and ears adapting maybe. Still liking it a lot.


I did my SL upgrades interconnect, DIN to XLR then finally the speaker cable. The first was from Hi-Line, second the stock cables that came with the 500 and previous speaker cable was Kudos KS-1. The first and third steps gave the greater improvement with the speaker cable bringing it all together. My interconnect was new but the other two I managed to find preloved at a good discount. Very worthwhile upgrades in my opinion.

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Very very satisfied with the SL DIN XLR between my 552 and 500. So much that I wonder what Lumina speaker cables would do getting a full loom.


I’ve been very pleased with SL cables and have no desire to change or now even compare - the financial loss thanks to Witch Hat certainly removed that speculation.

(All my SL were bought ‘pre-loved’ and the jumpers were a bargain price.)

Love em.

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I concur with @steviebee. Finding preloved speaker cable was hardest due to a specific length being needed but patience paid off.

I don’t know if the situation has resolved now but earlier this year my dealer was telling me that Naim had none at the factory and the waiting time was estimated at 13 - 16 weeks.

By the way … kept the sl xlr for the future :smiley:


I found the SL Speaker cables the biggest upgrade in what I wanted my system to deliver.

I have all SL cables (apart from one position between Supercap and SNAXO) and found the Interconnect cables delivered clean bass, detail and the sense of ‘aliveness’ and good timing I like for my system, but the SL Speaker cables delivered the ‘just there’ relaxed easy-detail I wanted without feeling it was in my face - the sense of ‘finally!’ when I borrowed an Active set to try was palpable enough that I ordered my set that day. Since I needed three 7m runs I wanted to audition first as Speaker cables as a love/hate thing with me - I changed from NAC A5 which the SL cables slaughtered.

The most difficult cables to run-in for me were the DIN-XLR sets (I needed three) which were horrid for weeks until they ran-in - fortunately I had loaned from my Dealer a set prior to purchase which were sublime enough to place my order and be somewhat patient for mine to come on-tune. It took many months if not longer to really open-up and reveal all they could do, so it was good yours worked well from start.

In context of a full-loom the SL Speaker cables do compliment the signature of the SL interconnects IMO.

DB. :bear:


I’m guessing yours were new then? Mine are used so not in need of an extended burn in like new cables.

Yes new - they had only been released a few weeks when I had them so no other option.

It did take about a week before I could leave them in to play music for serious listening and had to swap-back to the old leads until they lost their edge. Then the usual run-in process with interconnect cables as I experience it happened over many weeks, but after about ten days they were good for music but not like the Dealer ones I’d borrowed - then a few months later they were doing what I’d heard from the demo ones.

What I like about them is that after run-in they are very natural and ‘fast’ without any over-full bloom or artificial-sounding effects I’d found with some other expensive cables I had tried and did not get on with. System cables are a very personal choice to taste and system I’ve found.



Glad it’s working out for you, You won’t regret going SL on the speakers, deeper tighter bass and more depth, but as DB says, it’s just that very natural, organic and real presentation that flows so well.

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This :point_up_2::white_check_mark:

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I had that experience with Sarum T. It was a big change but something was artificial about it. Never had that feeling with Lumina.


When I did the comparison with another from this forum, we found quite the opposite. Weird huh?

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Interesting, was that out of choice after a demo and if so what 4 pin cable are you using in preference?