Morgana to Super Lumina DIN-XLR

In Active configuration the signal goes from Pre (via SL IC) to Supercap.
Then Supercap (via power Burndy) to SNAXO.

It is the latter Burndy connection for which there is no offering from Naim for a SL update - that is why I don’t use one! :slightly_smiling_face:


Ah sorry, my mistake I read that as being the Pre PS to Snaxo PS 4pin interconnect.

That SL upgrade was worthwhile and a bit like the DIN-XLR changes in clarity and more open sound and better bass-definition.

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Just picked up an SL Din-XLR for less than 25% of the retail. Didn’t expect to win the auction at that price. Now starting down the SL rabbit role. Will be interesting to start comparing to current Morgana/Hatpin selection (Morgana induced some slight instability on the Snaxo bass which is why I have a Hatpin doing bass duty) Standard thinking is best amp on treble with a wonky active so will probably start with treble on that basis. But will try all configurations.


This is a very fine price - got mine for a bit less than 30% of retail price.
Please tell your thoughts - love it!


Super Lumina din-xlr currently doing it’s thing on the bass channel. Not noticing any dramatic change in depth of bass but there’s definitely an improvement in overall clarity. There’s an ease to the music that wasn’t there before. It’s hard to put my finger on exactly what has changed but it doesn’t really matter. It’s a better listen and that’s all that matters.

Update: Blimey!! Just put Marillion (Script for a Jesters Tears) on. Sounds like a different system. So much more open. Really surprised that having SL on just the bass channel could make so much difference. It’s more up front and in your face for sure which is probably more noticeable on the Marillion than the previous albums (Micheal Hedges / Arvishai Cohen)

Damn. Going to need SL on the treble and mid now too.


So from Hatpin to SL? I found Hatpin to be similar to the original. And Morgana a big step up from original and Hatpin.

I think that it’s really important to have the same kind of cable in a active system , for timing etc.

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I found the Hatpin to be slightly clearer than the standard. But the SL is definitely on another level entirely. Not sure I’d fork out £2k unless money was no object though. At under £500 I’m delighted.


Very possibly. Level 42 playing now and the timing and drive is superb. The modulation in the bass line is so much more pronounced than I’ve heard before and the attack is reminding me of my old chrome bumper active set up. I’ll work towards the full SL loom but only when the price is right. No rush.

Great price! :+1:

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Oh, one of favourites, must give it a go. Vinyl or streaming/CD?

Vinyl. Always.

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