Mu-so Qb 2 in bathroom?!

I was thinking about bying another Mu-so Qb 2 and placing it in my bathroom. So far, I couldn’t find anything on IP rating of the device.

Does anbody know, if use in a bathroom is rather a bad idea due to humidity or no issue to a Qb 2?


Are you intending to run an extension lead into your bathroom to power it?

Big no no.

Keep anything mains powered out of a bathroom in my opinion.

I use a Sonos Roam to provide music ,if needed, in the wet room.


Welcome to the Naim forum DonMcFluffy, nice place & nice people.
I would never place a mains powered devise in a bathroom, 230v and water can be lethal.
Plus I am pretty sure the Muso was never designed with bathroom levels of humidity in mind, so
IP numbers would not be considered.
If you must have music while you bathe, look at battery power.

IP0 - it’s not designed for such locations.

Electrical considerations aside, do you even spend enough time in a bathroom to listen to music?

Fair enough re extension lead…

But most other countries are less worried about Mu-sos, hairdryers etc killing folks in their bathtub – slipping on a piece of soap is probably a more likely death in a bathroom… I have always felt that it was rather silly that we couldn’t have a socket for running a hairdryer in front of our mirror unit. Not needed for my haircut, but my wife would have appreciated…

We have Sonos Roam in the bathroom, for the size and price it sounds pretty good. It’s also waterproof so ideal fro the bathroom.

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Not permissible in a bathroom In Britain, nor wise to use where in reach of bath, shower etc


Re 230v power in bathrooms in UK
All electrical installations must comply with Part P of the Building Regulations.
Power sockets are not allowed in bathrooms or shower rooms unless they are at least 3 metres from the bath or shower.
The exception is ‘shaver’ sockets with internal 230/230 current limiting transformer
There are other regs about lighting, heating and other bathroom specific appliances.


Thanks to all for your thoughts!!

I already have a couple of electrical devices in my bathroom, connected to power by a usual wall plug. As my apartment is quite new, this is obviously not a big deal due to regultations in Germany.

Also, so far I have a Google Nest 2nd gen (I know, just a joke in comparison to a Naim product), working fine in general in my bathroom. However, I want to do an upgrade in terms of sound quality, so I thought about another Qb2 as a nice christmas present to myself.

Just because I work in homeoffice most of the time, I wouldn’t say that I spend too much time in my bathroom. You can call me lazy, but I like multiroom sound, so I don’t have to care which room I have to stream music to for the next 5 minutes, eg for a bathroom session.

I would just try the Qb2 in humidity, but this is a bit too expensive for trial-and-error. So I thought, someone might have some experience in a humid room or knows more in terms of technical specs of the Qb2.

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Same here in the Netherlands; it’s a relatively new house and my kids use to listen to music via the QB every now and then when taking a bath or a shower. I must say that the unit is always >1 meter away from bath/ shower and have it removed when finished.

Regardless of safety concerns the humidity is really not going to do it any good, or handling it with wet hands. There are plenty of rechargeable Bluetooth speakers available that you could stream to from your phone or whatever

Yes, UK id hotter on electrical safety than most other countries. Our campervan was made in Germany, and had a standard mains socket directly above the washbasin - it had to be disconnected for approval to import for sale in UK.

Mind you, I’d rather overcautious electrically than under.

I had a Squeezebox Radio in my bathroom for a decade until it gave out last year (kept losing internet connection). It was plugged into an outlet (U.S. 115) but it was physically impossible about for it to reach the bathtub/shower.

I set up a QB2 that I wasn’t using at the moment. Similarly, there was no way it could reach the bathtub/shower. It was an indulgence, but what the heck.

The one thing that concerned me was humidity, but as the only thing that would generate that was my once a day shower I decided to try it out. On a number of occasions, I felt the unit when I stepped out. There was no indication of condensation.

Right now I have replaced it with a water resistant bluetooth speaker, but it’s a bit more of a hassle, as it requires me to control it (i.e. transmit the music from a cellphone.) I’m wondering if I’m overly concerned.

Didn’t your parents give you a toaster to play with in the bath, or was it just a thing in our family?


You might want to look at the Audiopro A15. I’ve not heard it but have heard some good sounding Audiopro stuff, albeit not quite up to Muso QB standards. It’s battery powered and said to be suitable for outdoor use. IPX2, I believe.


The A15 is def. an interesting alternative. But as far as I found, it does not support Qobuz natively. Streaming Qobuz via Chromecast is sub-optimal to me. I don’t know why, but it Chromecast has become so much worse in terms of reliability (maybe connected to their ongoing patent disputes) and the actually great Qobuz hi-res sound options necessarily get lost.

Sonos is also no alternative to me personally, as I generally hate tech monopolists (but of course, you must die a death, if you want to be able to have a smartphone), as they are easy to use for everybody, but just rip you off for mid-range quality in the end.

In a bathroom? Does that really matter?

Not necessarily. Plenty of smaller phone manufacturers out there which utilise the open source Android a and modify it to their needs. Alternatively you can even put something like GrapheneOS on your existing Android phone and there’s also non-Google appstores also available like F-Droid.

I must admit, that you learned to juggle very quickly.