Munich show 2024

Raidho Acoustics

I perhaps should have stayed here a bit longer as it was quite a capable system.
The Christmas Song - it sounds like you are really in a church impressive
Muddy Waters - sounds good, nice rounded…



I was shortly at them, later I was a bit longer. I just was at the end of the presentation of their new product a belief a reference streamer or DAC.

Mario Rom - this gave an immense slam, they tend to show lately with MBL that they can play loud and are also good to hear a discotheque. I liked there old presentation style more when they played with live instruments (cello for instance), or where the owner of Fone Records presented how he recorded some of his albums…., anyhow later more….


Gauder Akustik Part 1

Presented there new speakers. Was very hot in the room, and I needed to stand most of the demo. In the past they always had the guy from stereo magazine writing about jazz, Thomas Hintze, which always was an enjoyment like Martial Hernandez - they now have a different less interesting guy who stays more or less every year on a similar program…

Eric Clapton - nice rounded sound, with also a bit of ballls
Brian May - again rounded, nothing to complain…
Bryan Adam’s- now it get’s a bit annoying to again have the rounded aspects coming out, why doesn’t he play something else which shows different aspects of the system and speakers. I know these speakers can show of more…


Gauder Akustik Part 2

I will not repeat but again with Morricone, rounded and smooth…
….and then we got to this typical thing for some German demo guys. They then introduce that things now become loud and have a smile on the face …., and then they play a polite sounding Smoke on the Water……

They don’t apparently know music which can really bring the system to its edges……, apologies I was a bit annoyed by this session. Gauder speakers are great but this DJ doesn’t show off what they are capable of with his middle of the road programme….


MBL Part 2

I was at the end of day 1 at least that’s what I thought…. And thought MBL is a good system, so perhaps I get the last tunes of the day there…

Shelby Lynne - very precise including the bass, almost too refined and round
Seal - wow almost too much power, but not distorted, just very loud…
Madonna - almost having the felling of being at the disco…
Vini Vici - OMG this can sound very very good, and loud…
Vital Tech Tones - yes also this can be well done with this system, what about the less impressive stuff….


Steely Dan - yes good, but will never really touch me the music they made…, while I know I am standing on the souls of some of you by making the remark that I don’t like their music…
The rest was more of the same, and I did regret that I landed here as I would have liked to hear a different mix of music to end the day off. While it of course doesn’t criticize the MBL system which is a reference system of kinds….


If that hi-fi system made it this high on the list, he must really like stiffly reproduced music without an ounce of warmth…

Looking at the vast majority of kit in @BertBird posts I’m left thinking many hifi manufacturers indulge themselves rather than make hifi for ‘normal’ homes. I’m looking forward to next month’s NW hifi show. Clearly it’s nothing like the scale of Munich and it always disappoints that Naim & Linn don’t attend, but we do at least get plenty of hifi for shared living rooms. Similar (style) play lists of course. There’s also a record fair this year I believe. It is, after all, the records that matter!


Dartzeel Another Round - Part 1

It was quite funny. I went down from the MBL session as it was end of show that day. And texted by friend that I would be waiting downstairs. And he wrote back that at Dartzeel they started jamming. So I wrote back enjoy in the thought that it would be soon over. However after about another 15 it was going still on, so we suggested to meet up again at Dartzeel, and I expected that when I would walk up again I would just experience the last tones, boy was i was so wrong….

Emil Gilels - they apparently played the whole piano concerto from tape, I arrived when the last movement had started… amazing sound
Opiu - omg slamming quite strong…, like at MBL before….
Alva Nota - this is quite an interesting testtrack
Tomorrow Comes The Harvest - great track for hifi people…
John Zorn, stopped making notes…., just enjoying the music as it nicely presented in this room…


Dartzeel Another Round Part 2

As mentioned just listened and didn’t make notes anymore on how I heard it…., this system is a great system, while not as perfect as last years Von Schweikert / VAC system…., while financially on the same level….

And after a long day which was enjoyable, although I enjoyed day two even more…., one get’s into the parking for a two hours drive back home, discussing experiences with my friend.


PMC/AVM Part 1

So this was the start of my 2nd day which I tend to even like more as it is mostly more focussed and a bit less crowded…
Before I started noticing when I walked into the room I belief I heard Jan Garbarek …., but can’t tell you what as I didn’t have time to Shazam…
Billie Eilish - these speakers sound very nice, AVM electronics as always on a great level as well


PMC/AVM Part 2

Bob Marley - sound very live like…, good controlled bass
Coldplay - not the most difficult to play, but nevertheless sounding very enjoyable, so nothing to complain…, just relaxed to listen to music…
Marcus Miller - very good and accurate bass sound…


So true! Not all of us can (or want) reserve a separate room and commensurate resources for a music system. Music is part of our life, not the other way round…


PMC was a very nice sounding setup indeed! Might be my N1 on the list if I had the chateau to fit it in


A chateau is not that more expensive than a full Naim statement set.


Some here went from Naim to Aavik. I would be interested to hear these brand. One member recently bought the top integrated to replace 552/500 dr. Have no idea on how this sounds, neither Borresen.

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Very common combination at fairs here in the Nordics, dry, clinical and boring is my conclusion but we all like different.


Other than you do not like it this is hifi talk I do not understand at all. stiffly? I would most likely not change but hard to defend the AGD equipment as stiff whatever that means.

Stiff as in clinical. Besides, you don’t have to defend anything Claus, it’s not a trial…


Thank you for your feedback from the Munich Show BertBird. It is interesting to learn the tracks that exhibitors are using in their demonstration rooms.

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