Munich show 2024

I saw this at my dealer … Godzilla

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I agree, that looks quite nice.


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You know what they say about men needing big toys, Rooster…:smirk:

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However I would like to hear once a lightweight turntable who gives so much solidity and full organic bass as a heavyweight turntable. I have never heard one who do that.
It’s not only about having something big or not.

Apart that, the Grandioso lacks some refinement.

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How they dare ? :joy:

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Very exciting. Marten has detailed information on the website. They show the new Coltraine Quintet, but also in other rooms Parker Trio Diamond and Oscar Duo (but unfortunately not with Naim Electronics). With their magical sound, which also has many friends here in the forum, they are certainly worth a visit in Munich.

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I have only heard Martens once at a show.
I was not impressed, it sounded fat and bulky.
Maybe I was there at the wrong moment.

I don’t have fond memories of that much equipment I heard at shows,

Stopped going after a while

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It looks like something a plumber might use or fit

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Hifi shows are always a surprise bag. The room acoustics are often poor, there are conversations in the room, etc. But I’ve also experienced some great demonstrations where the exhibitors have succeeded in creating a real audiophile experience. I have heard Marten loudspeakers at my dealer a few times and have always found them moving with well-balanced tonality and a great sound stage. They always drew me into the music. The demonstration conditions there were always ideal. However, in my experience, this is not the case with all dealers to the same extent. There is also a detailed thread on Marten loudspeakers in the forum with numerous impressions and experiences (Click here)


Innuos unveils the new ZEN NG and ZENith NG music servers & streamers at High End Munich.

ZEN NG £ 9 000
ZENith NG £ 14 200


It’s an old polish brand from 70’s and it’s supposed to look as close to the original as possible.

Personally I like it a lot. It’s priced similarly to supernait

Not sure if it sounds as good but if I was ever looking for an integrated amp for my second system I would probably go for it.


Deeply ugly (all opinions are my own).

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You really should open an audio museum Richard, you have some beautiful kit!!

That must have been around the same time my Dad upgraded from a 1950’s radiogram to a new Technics rack system which included the SU-V3 amp, SL-BD22 turntable, RS-M205K cassette deck and a tuner the ST-ZllL model.
Key point is that was the beginning of my audio passion and I owe that to him. The difference between that and the radiogram was enormous…


I agree at 100%. Difficult to make uglier.

Didn’t knew it was a Polish design. Thanks for the information.

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I see that Kudos have revealed that Roy George ex Technical Director at Naim is behind the Sigao active crossover. Was not expecting that.


I spoke to Derek G about Roy’s involvement in the project Gazza. He worked briefly at the R@D stage for them but his input was profound. I’m excited to dem one shortly after the Munich show.

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It certainly gives it more credibility, well done to Derek to get Roy back in mainstream design.

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