Munich show 2024

I dunno just technically interested. From the comments from @JonathanG it sounds like it is a different beast entirely.

Though being passive, a balanced connection won’t be possible. Which is what you would use if you put power amps next to speakers as some are fond of doing. It seems pretty application specific.

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In the shots of the demo setup above the power amps are all together in the same rack/s, which supports that too.

It does sounds interesting, and involving ex Naim engineering expertise surely means a mostly sympathetic reception on here :slight_smile:

I’d have thought NC NAP owners would be thinking, “What?! No balanced outputs?” :rofl: I would.


lol … you nailed it!!! I am so used to balanced :joy: sinced my very first systems

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…Thanks FR…we are in concordance then (could not help myself with this).

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I don’t necessarily think balanced is better. I only use it on one system. But if it the only input your amp has, then clearly they want you to use it. I can’t help thinking this was designed before NC emerged (other power amps often offering both balanced and single ended RCA). I’m sure when Kudos first saw the back of the NC gear their first reaction was, “Oh. Drat”

Aries Cerat full system.
I once heard the entry level integrated, but already 18 k euros, and was very impressed. Aries Cerat uses gigantic power supplies and transformers.

New speakers. Picture from today, by Mono and Stereo.


I would actually be frightened of that system!


So is there any news from Munich?
I havent seen any social media posts about the Naim stand or any new unveilings :slightly_smiling_face:
Whereas others seem to be going for a lot of coverage (eg. Innuos) .
Just seems a bit quiet on the Naim front.
Maybe im not looking in the right places!

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I was thinking the same thing, Innuos, Chord and others seem to getting coverage.

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We are waiting now for @BertBird . Maybe others too.


The new Quad 33/303 looks interesting


Gryphon new turntable. Actually at Munich.

Pic from Analog planet.


I will be there on Saturday and most probably Sunday as well…


Good news :+1:. The gear will be more on song after a few days playing.

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Technics collaboration with Lamborghini.


Today’s report from my dealer… (on FB)

The first day in Munich is over. But before it’s time to close my eyes, I thought I’d post some pictures of systems I had time to listen to…

Among the goodies we find a new speaker from EPOS called ES28N, a pair of fully active speakers from French Cabasse that impressed with design and performance - clearly exciting!

Japanese Soulnot has become a favorite in the shop (Akkelis Audio) and here they played on the “3” series’ pre- and power amp.

A pair of speakers from LinkVitz offered an interesting open baffle construction.

Magico showed their new S5 2024 and finally Nagra’s setup with Shunyata’s Omega cables pretty much in the whole system.


It always cracks me up when I see someone on a bicycle with Lamborghini, or Ferrari, or McLaren branding. They think it’s great they got something special. The reality is that those car companies had little to do with the bikes and just sold branding rights. One guy had a McLaren-branded Specialized or something like that, and when I said he paid $6K extra for a paint job and brand decals he got mad as hell at me. But that’s what he really got. It’s not like the bike frame was designed, wind-tunnel tested and fabricated in McLaren’s F1 shop. LOL.

BMW also used to sell BMW-branded bicycles and when I dug into it they were just taking cheapy hybrid bikes with crappy groupsets, adding their branding and an upcharge of several 100%


They’ve ruined a perfectly good turntable.


I think the Clearaudio Al Dimeola table is probably better but really damn silly. I’m a huge fan of Clearaudio but this kind of marketing diminishes my respect for the brand.

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