Music Chain

Double link there, I see!

Willie the pimp from Frank Zappa’s Hot rats album (the voice being the link). For me the best track on the album, and that is the only Zappa album I have. I really liked his attitude to the music business, and wanted to like his music more, but although I’ve tried sampling from time to time over the years nothing has grabbed me enough to buy - on the whole a bit too jazzy, perhaps (maybe not a good description, but it’ll do). Bearing this in mind if anyone has any suggestions to try then I’ll have another sample sometime…

James Brown Hot Pants

Possibly one John Lennons best songs-the Beatles Rain


Clearly a rip off of Oasis. Lol.


Storms over still water - title track of the album by Mostly Sutumn

Van Morrison.

Winter in America by Doug Ashdown

I know it’s a wonder they haven’t been sued. :grin::rofl:

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The Who’s rendition of the classic Eddie Cochran song, Summertime blues, from the Live at Leeds album

Stormy Weather Etta James

Enya - Storms in Africa from her Watermark album

Sorry but it just had to be Toto Africa

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Double points.

Pete Sinfield - The song of the sea goat (to a tune by Vivaldi), from his album Still.

Double points again.

SUGAR - If I Can’t Change Your Mind
(Bob Mould’s band after Hüsker Dü and his time alone in the wilderness)

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No idea what the link is there - let alone the double points (nor the double in your previous!)

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