Music listening survey

A little survey, if you divide the week and estimate how much time you spend listening to music through your Naim system, how many hours per day is that?

  • 1 - 2 hours
  • 3 - 4 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 7 - 8 hours
  • More than 8 hours

0 voters


Feel free to fill in the survey, interesting to see how much we use our hi-fi systems :slightly_smiling_face:

I did fill it in for home use only, but afterwards realised I wear my headphones at work whilst focusing (or when people are just being loud in general). It would take it up quite significantly then.


You need a <1 hour option :slightly_frowning_face:


Do you really believe that?

Certainly applies to me

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Okay. Nothing I can change now unfortunately, no idea how to do it. Urge those who listen less than an hour a day to write it in the thread :slightly_smiling_face:

There is nearly always music on in my house (or car) except for a couple of hours in an evening, when the TV is on.


Either 0 or somewhere between 0 to 1.5 hours maximum

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Zero through my non-existent Naim system. 0-8 per day on non-Naim system, I can’t assess an average. All is listening, no background playing.

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That’s kind of a hard one for me to answer. During the colder months I spend a lot more time listening to my main Naim system than during the warmer months, when I spend a lot more time outside on my deck. When I am out on the deck I often – but not always – play music on my Mu-so.

I answered 3-4 hours. I am about to listen for a couple/few hours. The heat is rather oppressive here, so I am going to play records until the sun goes down behind the trees and things start cooling down a little.

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Less than an hour on average for the main system. Probably 2 sides of an LP is normal. Maybe 45 minutes. Lots more on the Muso QB’s, but that’s background listening while doing other stuff.

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Sometimes only 1 hour per week! With two adult children still living at home, 4 dogs and a cat listening opportunities are rare.

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Don’t have a Naim system now.

Have two systems; Main system is Linn and Office system is SMSL.

When at home, music is on all day, either as background from Jazz24 or Qobuz for a listening session.


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I don’t like music on all day or having it on as background, but would certainly like some more me-time to listen than I have currently.

Estimate I’m at 1-3 hours over two days. Probably less when working.


This time of year with more sunshine one to two hours a day. Winter season may be 3 to 4 hours a day if I am staying indoors more.

At 72, I try to stay active and keep moving so a lot of outdoor walking, exercising and meeting up with friends.


Me too. I’m 66 so I do a lot of cycling (120-150 miles/week).

I usually don’t listen to much music before the evening.


Actually when I voted 3-4 it discounted all my FM listening.

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I voted 1-2 hours, this doesn’t include weekends or my vehicle thats fitted with Focal speakers commuting for an hour a day, not sure if this counts :thinking:

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Not sure how to answer. Music is on all day excess of 8 hours easily. On the other hand some days it is nothing other than random stream of playlists or radio. Serious choosing and listening to an album is probably only 1- 2 hours of a weekday, and possibly an afternoon and evening of a weekend but rarely on both days.

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