Music listening survey

Like some others pure music listening accounts for 1-2 hrs a day; but I have the radio on most of the day when at home, and I spend far too much time watching sport and series on tv. That’s a long way of saying I probably get 10 hrs of enjoyment from my Naim kit.

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Since I started working from home I’m in the >8 hr/day category. Which I don’t mind.


I’m kind of opposite to that. If I didn’t have Naim kit to listen with I suspect the radio would be turned off more often.


And to me.
I fear that this will only prove that music is sonic wallpaper for many.


It can be both, I feel. Some music I enjoy is on in the background, but falls apart when trying to listen to attentively, either because if composition or lyrically. And sometimes I don’t want a distracting voice or complex rhythm and melody clogging up my brain.


When I am at home working in my office music will be on all day, but thats a pair of active speakers/streamer. The main hifi probably no more than 2-3 hours a week.


Sonus in the kitchen on all day every day , as soon as the boss goes out the main system is powered into action,unless I have outside jobs to deal with ,so for me hopefully 3-4 hours a week would be an average, maybe a little more some weeks, could be why it takes so long to burn in new equipment.

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1hr or less… a week!. It was a lot more before I had kids.

Was closer to 3-4hrs a day prior.

My non Naim systems in the office and kitchen OTOH get about 4-8hrs usage a day.


Similarly, no option for me to fill in (less than 1 hour / day). I usually only have time to listen during the weekends, Naim or non-Naim systems.

I dislike background music as most of the feel of the music is missing. Most of the people I know, all they listen to is quiet background stuff. Sometimes it sounds like scatching or hissing.
I have stopped playing music when friends are over as the females always ask to have it lower and lower, until it sounds like crap.
My wife and I listen while we’re doing things like making dinner, playing a game etc., but it’s always a decent listenable volume and doesn’t interfere with conversation at all.


In my experience, it gets lower to the point that you can’t even tell what you are listening too. So then you turn it off only to be met with, “That was extreme. Why do you have to be rude about it? I only asked you turn turn it down. You didn’t have turn turn it off.

I’ve since deciphered the code. “turn it down” doesn’t mean it’s too loud. It means they hate what’s playing. If I put on their music it never gets a “turn it down”. Ever.

I tend to play a lot of radio in the kitchen when dining starts. Shonan Beach FM streams a lot of perfectly decent stuff for background listening I’d never sit and focus on but is pretty good for chillin’.


Yep, that’s exactly what I get, almost word for word. Sorry, but it makes me feel a little better knowing I’m not alone on this. Company in misery, I guess.
I’ll have a listen to the station you mentioned.

A word in favour of music as background noise. It helps me concentrate if I’m stuck in front of my work station. But more importantly it provides access to new music, via Roon radio, radio paradise, Naim radio, etc.


@Bjorn curious if you anticipated any particular result here? Or just generally interested in how much time people listened?

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Hi GT, I didn’t predict any particular outcome but just like you say, interested in how much people listen on their Naim systems in their everyday life :slightly_smiling_face:


Hmm but you said “Naim” aystem. That skews the results a lot.


I cheated a bit on that score FZ, as all my systems are Naim😉


Well I interpreted it to be main Naim.

I mean, I hardly get allowed any time in the living room. It’s a soundproof room, and I can crank it at midnight if I like but I’m exhausted by 10pm.

My UQ2 gets a few hours a day but didn’t think it counted because it isn’t the Naim system. It’s merely a Naim system.


You don’t have to make it harder than it is, the question was just how many hours per day on average you listen to your Naim equipment. Then whether it is via background music or concentrated listening on the main system is up to you. All to get a hint of how well our Naim stuff comes to use. A hint, nothing else.

Having said that. Thanks to everyone who participated and thanks to everyone who left more detailed comments! Now closes this little survey :slightly_smiling_face: