Music listening survey

To me that’s not music but noise.- just like most of what I hear on radio. I prefer silence! Of course might be different if there is unpleasant noise to drown out, providing not unpleasant!

Not what I said or meant. Some music is just badly recorded and I’m not putting that on my main system in a proper listening session. But it’s nice to blurt along to Muse, still, as an example, or the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Both are fun bands, but the recordings are appalling.

Some bands also make great music and are enjoyable when it comes to instruments, but the lyrics are just not doing it for me. Since a lot of my listening comes down to lyrics too, it detracts, but it might still be fun to play whilst doing the dishes or some other task I’m doing and him along.

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Sorry, I evidently misunderstood - though what I said is unchanged - music to me is never background unless I need it to drown out unpleasant noise,

No worries, I might not have been clear myself :slight_smile:

I have tinnitus, so silence is never happening for me, sadly. Music does tend to help quite a bit then! But still, some music is good, but not good enough for a proper listening session. That is generally reserved for things I deem worthy of that limited time :slight_smile:

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If you take your coffee with breakfast and you put radio, it’s more background music, not ?

It’s BBC Radio 4 for me, Rooster.
News, talk radio.

Music at breakfast? EEK!


I put radio on for news and current affairs. With BBC Radio 4 that is all I get, but when I I choose the local radio station for local information, in between different items they play noise that they call music - at least 90% of the time it is certainly unwanted noise, and I’d rather they didn’t play it but a few years ago they decided it would make the channel more appealing…

Oh, and by the way, being a true Brit I do of course drink tea not coffee for breakfast! That is a pint mug (568ml) - bone china of course. Not infrequently a second mugful!


So those Brits who drink coffee for breakfast are not real Brits according to you I_B?

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On holidays I put Fip radio during breakfast. But generally I watch the news during breakfast.

I think I’ll do what Americans call taking the fifth amendment! :laughing:

Don’t know what Fip radio is, apologies…news, talk or music? Personally, I can’t stand the TV on first thing - prefer to listen than watch. But maybe French TV news is better than UK breakfast TV. I do often watch the France news channel (the English language one), just not at dawn :smile:

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Interesting to see how we listen and what we think of as background noise. I don’t have any other amplification than Naim and that is because I prefer the house sound. It’s a minimum quality standard for me, whether I’m listening to radio or a more active listening session. I get that some people think of radio as just noise, but if I get fed up with that background ‘noise’, I have streaming to find something else. On the other hand I also get peeved when I’m trying to listen to something live on the radio and Mrs Bruss wants to hoover over it. :grinning:
This morning I’ve been working at the PC and thanks to recommendations on here I have made a short playlist of Marina Allen (Rigsby) and Isobel Campbell (premmyboy), thanks. I have had to turn them up even though I’m working. Definitely not just ‘noise’.


Next door neighbour in her 90s is as deaf as a post and after 6pm she watches the TV. Always put music on to drown that out…. (Semi detached house)

This is my image of Hell. I mean for her, not you.

Sadly, my listening is usually confined to 3hrs on a Sunday afternoon and the odd hour here and there when on leave from work. My Sunday’s are at least dedicated listening sessions, usually I listen to a newly acquired CD album and then delve into my collection now verging on a couple of thousands CDs across the majority of traditional genres.


5 -6 hrs


I’d listen more if Mrs Hen would chill out.


Same here. I need silence to listen to music. Our apartment is not very big.
Roosters always agree with each other.


Otherwise we get hen pecked :rofl:

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The TV and stereo are in the same room, so the aesthetics committee and I share the space. Music is usually played later in the evening (at low volume (about 55dB). Fortunately the aesthetics and music committees have a large overlap in musical tastes (or at least the aesthetics committee feels free to mock my musical choices when she doesn’t agree with them).

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