My 2021 in HiFi

I wonder what “Wife Acceptance Factor” (WAF) score this thread has?? :wink:

Pound for pound your Olive combo and the CB equivalent is the biggest bang for the buck in Naim’s all-time product range. IMHO, of course.


My partner has the attitude that it’s my money I have spent, I have not got into debt, I don’t smoke, drink much, gamble or take drugs other than prescription medicine.

To her it’s "yeah, whatever ". As I sometimes joke with her, I buy a BMW 7-series, “OK”, spend thousands on the stereo, “well, you’ve earned it”, spend 10p on a carrier bag "wastrel! " :flushed:


Not much at all really -

Bought a new TT to replace the RP10.
Bought a wood muso for the games room
Meant to buy a atom HE and second 555 PS but not had time to get down to dealer and also meant to book in speaker demo, will be 2022 now if I can find the time :frowning:

Isn’t it really about time to retire that tired and dated phrase/abbreviation? One might hope that domestic decisions that affect others are made jointly with a partner who might or might not be a wife not to mention other members of the household.

OK, preaching over and sorry for thread diversion.



Big year for me for two reasons. Firstly a new support which replaced my much loved Tripod/Ash Designs racks. Secondly embracing streaming and selling the even more loved CDS3. Core and NDX2/555PS DR now sit comfortably next to the LP12.


2021, sold everything ahead of moving to a new apartment. We moved there with a brand new muso qube 2 that was suprisingly nice. The naim got away and somehow I ended up with by a pair of proac tablette 10 signature in the bookshelf. Those are driven by a auralic aries g2, a chord qutest, and a nagra msa. Hence quite naimless, but even the 1½ year old dances to it.


Your Quadraspire looks really good, particularly with the bronze upgrade.

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Have an uptick for the Clearaudio as usual!


Started the year with a good future deal on a ndx2. tried an nd5x2 and found it even better than the Primara box I have used to get airplay and chromecast into my ndac based digital system. Waited a few months and decided that if I went for the ndx2 I would just wait until I could a afford a nd555. Got a good price and decided to jump directly to 555.
Black friday saw a good deal on an Ansuz d2 switch that is still in testing in my system, and yes it does make a difference unfortunately.

Aura phono stage in, P75 Mk IV out.
Buying more and more vinyl.

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Technically the first two were in December 2020 but it was into the turn of the year so…

ND555 in, but using existing 272 as preamp. That was awful and lasted a week then…
252 + SCDR replaced 272. More boxes = more shelves
Jan 21 - 2 x new Fraim Levels to hold the new boxes
Mar 21 - Powerline for SC (fancied an afternoon off work really, announced that ‘something had come up’)
Jul 21 - rejigged Fraim with an additional Base to convert from 1 x 6 layers to 2 x 3. Much neater, better separation.
Oct 21 - stumbled on a good deal on a new 552 so swapped out the 252 for that, throwing the now spare Powerline and one surplus Fraim Level into the deal

Add in a couple of sessions of Fraim tear down & rebuild and cable tidying to get to where it is now and that’ll do I think. Dedicated mains is still a plan but a potential house move may scupper it.

No new Hi-Fi gear for me in 2021 although I did buy a Fender amp for my guitar.



Thats fine… :grin:

Began the year by finally veneering my 301 plinth after only 25 years! Added a MF V90dac with linear supply to my node 2i. Took advantage of a Black Friday deal to replace my temperamental Technics CD player with an Audiolab 6000CDT transport. The latter provided the golden hi-fi cliche that even my wife heard the difference!


1.Started the year with with Star and Dynaudios EMIT 10’s.
2.Finished March with white PMC 25.21i’s with black grilles
3.April 4. Left black grilles on the floor for enough time for the cat to demolish both
4.Finished April with DIY white grilles on the PMC’s

Still the same conclusion after I bought the Star at the start of Covid Lockdown in March 20: Naim made me mentally survive Covid. And now in 2021 PMC deserve additional credits too.


282 to second system, 252 in to replace.
New TV has digital out so bought adapter to feed analogue input on 252. Good improvement over previous TV using headphones out.

An English Electric black box.
A new wire from the EE box to the ND555.
Two new wires between the NAC552 power supply and the NAP500.

Oh, and a new Telecaster :grinning:

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Mm. Fair point really. I just made my profile a bit more woke inventing a new acronym. :+1:

As an Addendum to my OP - I also made the following lesser changes:

  • February - bought a Grahams Hydra, for my Naim boxes (a 4 way); bought a Black SNAIC5 for my 140.
  • September- had my 523 boards converted, from S to E, by @Darran at Class A
  • November - had my Linn Lingo Mk1 serviced, by @Darran at Class A

Seems like this Thread is proving popular… :crazy_face:

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