My Naim OC Journey

I thought it might be worth sharing my experience of someone who bought used OC (SN3 and NDX 2) at the end of the product cycle and then agonised as to whether to just sell up and buy NC (200 series) or stick with OC. After much thought I decided to stick with OC as I felt the system fits my needs perfectly. I just bought a used but nearly new HiCap DR which I found to be a pretty big step up. Lower noise floor, better bass control and better separation. Pleased with the SQ pick up for relatively little outlay. It stops the temptation to buy a NAC 282 or NAP 250 DR which are both available new at 30 per cent discounts. What have other users done in my situation ? I think OC still is a great product and NC has no changed this for me. Lastly - does anyone know where I can get a grub screw for a SNAIC cable in the EU - I am missing one.

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Very budget and location dependent. I let all my OC kit go last year in a trade in knowing that the trade in value would decline over time and the NC kit would become more expensive (it’s about to soon).
At that time most of what I could afford was tied up in the trade in value of existing kit. If I was to attempt that even now the numbers probably wouldn’t work.

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Interesting - I did not think about the retail price of NC going up anytime soon. Seems pricey already. Price increases will eat up a good chunk of any depreciation on the NC. OC is more of a one way bet on depreciation. I should avoid any more upgrades unless a real bargain comes along. Most importantly, I trust you are pleased with the SQ outcome of the switch.

Maybe the price increase on New Classics will have a positive effect on trade-in Classic prices?

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No regrets in terms of relative performance, but then I had a longer term plan that made more sense with a more dramatic change regardless.
I enjoyed the previous system a lot, its capabilities and potential (or perceived lack of) were not a motivation for change in my case.
There’s a lot of relative bargains to be found currently, particularly NAC 282/252 + NAP 250/300 level of systems.
If you can find it and afford it add a PS555 to your NDX 2, failing that an XPS DR, it’ll really benefit from it if you intend keeping it for any length of time.

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2 -3 years ago I had an sn3 and ndx1 with hicap as my study system that I was happy with. Traded it in to go towards an upgrade in the main system and went via an atom to a nova but wasn’t happy with them.

Now with ndx1 again and 282/250dr/hc (had paid for a 250nc but before delivery used its value towards another main system upgrade and got a 250dr instead). I think my next upgrade may be ndx2 or maybe an ndac but now the 250dr is run in it is all sounding pretty good as it is. Back to being happy with it whereas I wasn’t really happy with the nova (or the atom before)


No reason why you should go to the NC if you are happy with what you have. I saw the release of the NC as an opportunity to finish off my OC system with a few bargains. That said, I am sure the new kit looks and sounds lovely but happy to stay green here!


Thanks for your suggestions. Even with good dealer discounts, a NAC 282 and NAP 250 DR and the XPS DR will cost EUR 10 to 11k. I can then of course sell the SN3 to reduce the pain. It is a lot of money to invest in a now discontinued series, which will certainly depreciate as more NC is released. But this path feels like a better SQ/EUR return than the NC upgrade.

Interesting that you decided to return the 250nc for a 250 dr. Was that a pure financial decision or based on SQ or not wanting to mix OC and NC ?

Yes, I think I will be taking the same path as NC is too much extra for me and I am not sure the 3 box 200 series is better than an upgraded OC and will be certainly more expensive

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It’s hard to predict how things will depreciate and what items may become semi-collectors items. The SN3/NDX2 combo is really good and mostly affordable for us mere mortals. Sure you’ll lose some value. As an example I could sell my second hand nDAC for as much or more than I payed for it.

Resell values aside one of the strengths of Naim ownership is their servicability, aside from most CD players and some of the very early streaming and AV products, most products can be maintained for many years/decades.
I’d certainly say the SN3 + NDX2 system I owned was one of my favourites overall.


You’re making an investment in a system - you’ve already done the smart thing by buying used gear. That alone will equalise the buy-sell spread as even OC gear won’t decrease that much in price. Unless you think a used SN3 is going to be sub-2k in a year’s time? Unlikely.

As Mr.M said, resale value one of the brand’s strengths.

Kick back and enjoy the awesome system you have.


Nothing about the NC range makes the Classic range any less desirable, certainly doesn’t make them sound any worse!
I think the SN3/NDX2 is a real sweet spot in the Classic range in terms of sound quality for the money … which let’s not forget is quite substantial!
I absolutely loved my SN3 (my first Naim!) and was more than a little sad to see it go, I like to think that whoever has it now is enjoying it as much as I did!


Purely financial due to getting statement power amps :laughing:

In fact, I didn’t particularly plan on a 250dr, it was offered by my dealer as part of the statement deal. So far am happy with it (after run in when it sounded quite harsh - the 250dr was brand new, though the 282 was bought used but serviced)

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Oops - I should have looked at your profile :see_no_evil: That must be quite a system. The 250 dr is just rounding :joy:

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Hi Mark - I really enjoy the SN3 and NDX 2 and even more so with the Hi Cap. It is good to get back to reality after reading the 1000’s of posts on the NC and how much better it is and also the Nait 50 to remember what great kit it is.

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Speak to your Naim Dealer, they may have one or can get one.


Very sound advice. Having choices and options is always a blessing in disguise. I am very pleased with what I have.

Many thanks - I will see what they say and try to avoid buying anything else.