My SL2s have died!

Yes, rotating the tweeter so that the terminals on the new design are in a north south orientation looks like a really good idea. No cutting of the tweeter arm is a very good outcome!
Actually, on a second look, metal will still be needed to be removed from the ring section of the tweeter plate so that the terminals can fit.

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We didnā€™t need AIā€¦
We did the research when we replaced the tweeters in our Spendor SP2s.

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In our experience, the new tweeter is also a slight sonic improvement on the old.
Electrically and electro-acousically itā€™s a very close match as well.

We replaced the tweeters in a pair of Spendor SP2s and were very pleased with the result.

If thatā€™s so, then brilliant, but when I recently replaced the tweeters on my own SL2s, I studied the new tweeter and concluded that removing some metal from the mounting ring was going to be needed as well as slightly longer cables (RS56 by the way) to the sockets at the back of the arm. In the end I sourced some original tweeters so the drilling and longer cables werenā€™t needed.


I hope that you can fix these speakers @HiFiman
They are truly wonderful when they are on top form


Brilliant, thanks Richard :+1:

Damn, I knew gender ideology was leaking in everywhere, didnā€™t realise I had to worry about my HiFi!

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Hmmā€¦bloody spell check! Letā€™s try rogue!


Why so few Mana supports?! I wonder if heā€™s leaving performance on the table :wink:

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Iā€™ve been re-reading some of my old Hi-Fi Answers mags from the late 80ā€™s that my old folks had kept in their loft. This was when Jimmy Hughes was on a real mission with the Belt stuff, which makes for interesting reading.

Bizarre indeed !

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Ah yes, I didnā€™t notice that, thanks for pointing this out.
Back to the drawing board.

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I used to get Hi-Fi Answers every month back then. I had piles of them in my bedroom at my parents house where I then lived. JMH ws a regular reviewer/contibutor and his pieces were nothing if not extremely entertaining. He once advocated sealing around all doors and windows in the listening room with tape to create an airtight seal. When I ran the idea past my dad he strongly advised against it on the grounds that I would eventually suffocate!

The whole Peter Belt thing was really more akin to modern day sorcery or witchcraft than anything else. At one time I suspect it would have resulted in being burnt at the stake.

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Oh dear - Iā€™ve been reading one advocating placing a bottle of ā€˜treatedā€™ water next to your consumer unitā€¦

Anyway, donā€™t want to go too far off topic from @HiFiman ā€˜s unfortunate incident so Iā€™ll probably start another thread once Iā€™ve digested a few more Belt articles.

In the meantime, Iā€™m going to put a piece of paper under one foot of my Klimax DSM and put an old photo in the freezer for good measure :grin:


Thereā€™s already a thread which would be suitable for Peter Beltā€™s ideas. Itā€™s called the Best Jokes thread!


Thatā€™s an insult to a proper joke! :slight_smile:


It appealed to my silly sense of humour. :wink:

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That brings back memories! Donā€™t forget that any bank statements in the house will have a negative aura which will degrade the sound. However obliterating all outgoings with black marker will render them harmless.

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What a load of rubbish - it was because the gear sounded better than other gear.



Funny how PBā€™s rantings still keep surfacing. Hifi Answers promoting them, togetger with Jimmy Hughesā€™s own nonsensical ramblings were directly instrumental in my abandonment of taking the hifi press seriously.

But for amusement, hereā€™s something I wrote in another thread a few minutes ago: the same challenge actually applies to every one of his ideas as it does to other tweaks (including cables and power supplies and supports etc): unless you actually try them, and under conditions of avoiding bias (whether positive or negative bias), how do you know whether or not they actually work?