My SL2s have died!

@HiFiman don’t forget the 1mm bead of Hylomar blue around the mount face its best to use a syringe, plus the thread torque of about .8Nm @Richard.Dane pls confirmed, ask your dentist for a tool :neutral_face:) or finger tight and a some, whatever you do don’t over do it as you can bend the tweeter diaphragm.
Best to have drinks after you complete the job :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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With Ref to your mate: What an absolute awesome Kit!!! I want one!

I thought i had a problem…


I have a similar mate. Thats just half of it.


You don’t of course. It’s nonsensical to dismiss any tweak as not working without actually putting it to the test.

The whole PB thing is perhaps a special case in that the suggestions were so outlandish. They involved doing various things that had absolutely no logical connection with how one’s system could sound. eg. any books in the listening room should have an odd rather than even number of pages in them for best sound. In order for that to be true it would mean that the world around us doesn’t function in the way that both common sense and science has led us to believe it does.

That re-evaualtion of our understanding of what is reality is just too much for most people to even consider as a possibility. So they dismiss it.

If I said that burying a boiled egg in your back garden would improve your chances of success in a job interview then I suspect you wouldn’t be minded to try it out for the very same reasons.

Strictky speaking you can’t rule out the possibilty of it working unless you’ve tried it. But as I said before, if it did work it would have more in common with witchcraft than anything related to scientific understanding and would require a complete re-evaluation of reality.

Not really sure if this is a joke. But either way, joke or not, it’s funny! :grinning: :+1:

Hello Richard,

with our lovely Naim speakers getting older (while we are getting younger, or more childish at least) I think we will need to discuss modifications if we want to keep them working as original replacement drive units are getting difficult to source and fitting non OEM hardware will require mods. I also want to hear the rest of the folks here, would they support such an excepting in the forum rules, concerning only the out of support products, like the speakers.

I have already allowed discussion of fitting alternative tweeters where the originals are no longer available, either from Naim or from the manufacturer. This because tweeters tend to be the parts that will fail most often, and are perhaps most difficult to be rebuilt or refurbished - replacement being the norm. That way the speakers are kept as close to original as possible.

As I have mentioned to you privately, while I am sympathetic (and indeed have an interest being an owner of Naim speakers), I have concerns of a “thin end of the wedge” nature, and prefer to err on the side of caution. Right now I draw the line at discussing wholesale modification, particularly with regard to parts like the crossover and to any electronics.


There’s nothing to stop you setting up a website or forum yourself for this purpose. There’s a well known Linn speaker repairer in the north west of England. Maybe it’s worth a phone call to them…?

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I probably don’t know all the reasons that Naim forum can’t allow discussion on Naim speakers modifications.
From my naive understanding, as these speakers are no longer produced since many years and Naim factory doesn’t do anymore their speakers service, I can’t see where lies the problem.
Maybe the risk is to have then discussions on modificating the existing products ?
Or maybe the risk with modifications is to damage the power amplifier. so Naim doesn’t want to be responsible of that ?
Or also safety risks ?

Where do you get all these manas today.
Think only a few people do own all the manas ever manufactured :rofl:
I have the SBL stands - but never used them

The rule is all about not annoying Naim dealers by allowing forum members to discuss amongst themselves, or give each other bits and pieces, or sell to each other, stuff that they should go and pay a Naim dealer for instead.


All Of These. Especially Electrical Safety.

Any change from the original Naim design, could affect the Electrical Safety Case for that unit.

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It is allowed to discuss other things that very much is related to electrical safety though. Which I personally see more risk in than talking about a modification of a speaker.

Remember these modified products may appear on the second hand market and if not as original would damage Naim’s reputation by claiming to be the genuine article.
Basically fakes.

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Do you think there are a lot of Naim dealers who have the slightest idea on how to repair the Naim speakers, without transforming them into non Naim sounding speakers ?
Or even bothering to think and loose time on it?


It’s more than that. I recall a member buying six particular and hard to find screws on eBay (the minimum number) and offering one free to another member. But that fell foul of the rule and the offer was deleted by our leader.

Stick to Naim fraim. Mana is a whole other education and is hard to find when you live abroad (like me and you ) it took me years to get that stack, i wouldn’t want to do it again to tell you the truth.


It depends on whether somethings is EOS or not. Presumably, crossovers can still be serviced so it makes sense to not encourage discussion on moving a product that is still supported outside of it intended design parameters.

Once something hits EOS and Naim really can’t work with it anymore, I believe discussions are more open season. Take the threads on rebuilding the Uniti Serve for example. It’s just that there are so few products Naim have EOSed because their service dep is so good.

Quite frankly it’s three levels shy of where I would begin to consider it a proper system :joy:

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Layered chocolate is what i call it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, we live in Christchurch NZ an earthquake prone city. Every day without a shake is a blessing.

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