My SL2s have died!

Ha Ha you think!

About 350 sets sold, i’m sure many forum members would love to get their hands on them for repair or parts.
oh well “another one bites the dust” :frowning:

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Bonfire night in a few months, I may hold onto them until then

eyes wide shut

Post the vid

Yes. What I read is that something caused the volume increase. Not a definitively established bug in the Naim App…
Every sympathy for the OP of course but isn’t there a case for the Scottish verdict of ‘not proven’

Anomaly yes, no data no problem right? Another poster did have the same issue .
It was only a round about suggestion if somebody from Naim could contact the OP so things could be addressed. Obviously, I’m no software engineer but is there a possibility some sort of legacy journal in the app???
I know Naim had legendary after purchase service in my country and still have in the UK. The OP has already paid for a 5 minute email from HQ let’s not forget that part. That is why i suggested a hands up……

Thats interesting, is this knowledge available in public ?

I’ve always been curious how many Naim did of their various products, indeed their loudspeakers.
I guess SBL were high numbers and read somewhere NBL were very low number.
CB Nait 2 could be another low number item made.

Yes, it’s been gone over in this forum before.
Apparently very expensive to build, more of a labour of love as opposed to moneymaking venture. Naim of old right?
One reason why i’m saddened about the whole situation in this thread.


It’s a discussion forum, not a support forum. It’s not routinely monitored by Naim, and even if they were aware of it, they would expect you to follow their advice to contact your dealer, or Naim support via phone or email, if you want their support.


There’s no need to state the obvious!

Are you really through with the sl2?
I remember you so much loving your speaker! It’s a rare item, worth to be saved and maybe kept. I own SBL and know how good they are - so also understand your choice.

Respectfully, I am not sure that is a widely held view. It is clear from some posts on the forum, that threads are not always widely / comprehensive read before a response. Posts from some / different peps, repeat or fail to acknowledge what has gone before. in a thread!

I make practice of never posting onto a thread about which, I haven’t read the whole thread, sometimes more than once. There is a live thread that I am following, on which I will post in due course, waiting to see if the elephant in the thread is going to be addressed - which I doubt!
Each to their own, I just prefer not to make spontaneous posts. It does however allow a v interesting level / view with a broader picture of how the forum interacts!

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I did alert a staff member who is active in the forum, for the most part he is very helpful and goes above and beyond to help members out. But like the op says he’s over it so that’s is that. SBL would be more of a suitable speaker for the 250 at the end of the day.
Hifiman has obviously picked that up.

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I recall being told that 173 pairs of NBLs were manufactured, one pair of which lived with me for 20 years. Superb loudspeaker.


I was told less than 80

Do you know how many DBLs as well?

No, I’m sorry I don’t. I was only interested in the NBLs because I bought a pair. I can only assume that there were fewer DBLs owing to their size and the limited market for a speaker of that size. In fact I remember Doug Graham saying that was one reason why the NBL was introduced.

Maybe the 80 that @garyi mentioned above was actually the number of DBL pairs?

Also SBLs weren’t exactly a hot sell, as discussed about these here forums, dealers struggled to set the up properly in dem rooms, particularly having to assemble disassemble all the time. The NBL was supposed to fix this, though they can be a pain int he arse too. I love naim speakers, I have sbls, nbls, two pairs nSats, a sub and centre channel all naim. But as detailed here by Richard, speakers were never a massively profitable endeavour by naim. Shame as I think the SBL and NBL are some of the best speakers out there, still.

That being said I dont goto hifi shows anymore, so what do I know!

I cannot imagine what an NBL would cost to produce and sell today, I think they were circa 8k in 1998.


I really regret the dismisal of classic Naim loudspeakers, something of their core engineering, box decoupling, external x over for easy activaton etc,could have seen a trickle on a Focal line. At the moment i have IBL, nSat, S600, S400, my big concern is a possible transducer failure, which already occured on the 600s.
Today the only one close to such principles are the Kudos Titans perhaps