My SL2s have died!

Although I was bloody upset when a Gan Class D amp fried my left SBL it gave me the opportunity to replace the black SBLs with walnut SBLs; and, they do look nice!

Moving to the SBLs is one of the few times that my wife was pleased with a HiFi change.


My SBLs are also Walnut, originally Mk1 then later upgraded with Mk2 drivers.
Lovely grain on the Walnut and look nice from any angle.
The best finish I’ve seen pictured are @Debs SBLs, they must be very rare!


Purchased my present 1991 SBLs pre-owned in 2008 (without transit boxes) they were advertised and assumed to be walnut but only later to be realised as dark oak veneer.

IIRC my original SBLs purchased new in 1993 were light oak, and i’ve not seen any of the that flavour around since parting with mine in 1997.

Brand new MKII drivers refit, plus new tweeters and x-over in 2010, and they’ve still grooving it :sunglasses: :+1:


hmmm, Fire place between speaker can equal bass loss…i take it you have sealed around the chimney?
…i know what else can be done in a normal living space. i must say they are a beautiful colour!

The fireplace is where the chimney stack bricks are = better bass :grin:

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oh dear as bad as that?

I just watched that absolute sound YouTube channel, you know the guy that just let Naim go after 40 or so years selling it.
Anyway his latest vid was about between speakers, he pointed out how a fire place is a base thief, sorry my ocd got the better of me, I should’ve known better

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Perhaps an open fireplace may compromise bass (?) but the stove area is all sealed in so it’s not really an issue here :slightly_smiling_face: :ok_hand:


Lovely picture thanks for posting @Debs

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Its the hassle of transporting the SL2s to Leicester then collecting.

Who knows what the overall cost will be?Vicki prefers the SBLs in the main living room, also the SL2s are too big for the room with the second setup.

I have a feeling the Tabs will sound amazing with a Nait 50, already sounds fantastic without stands and run in period.


Wouldn’t it be nice if Naim put their hand up and said “hey man our bad due to poor software, we can help”
I know it’s just fantasy. @NeilS :pray:

Stunning! A true Naim system. SBL here were moved on after a quirky issue in which a channel tweeter kept blowing, despite service and some electronic changes, happened more than once. Fantastic support from hq, else they just might have been here now, new at the time, when the range was discontinued.
Replacement, just in time, Ovators, which spurned a few more through the door.
Great to see a fantastic speaker, nicely positioned, in good hands and enjoyed.
I maxed out at active 135s - 5 series…what’s not to like? :sunglasses: :+1: :musical_score:


Naim are a (very decent) business, not a charity…


Who said they were :person_shrugging:

Just is an opportunity where they could standby the product in good faith, due to it being a software glitch that cooked the SL2 speaker.
I assume you have read the whole thread.

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Yes walnut too. Owned from new when Naim made the change to the mk2’s. Mk1 boxes with the new mk2 drives. Had the xovers serviced last year, love them!
Old pictures before room refurbishment.


Do we even know whether the dealer has presented Naim with the issue? Usually they are very good with such things.

As you say Richard, Naim are usually very good with these things. I have no doubt if one lives in the UK all things can be addressed.

@HiFiman maybe you could contact your dealer (maybe you have?) or Naim directly so the issue can be addressed. You may be able to save other people from a speaker explosion. seems it reads you’re not the only person that’s had a run away volume controller.

The Sl2 speaker given the right amount of amperage
are a stunning speaker, seems a great shame to give up on them.

Having successfully bribed @HungryHalibut to let me have his SL2s, I certainly wouldn’t now want to swap them for anything else!


I casually mentioned the issue to my local dealer mainly to make them aware, also I would be surprised if anyone from Naim HQ hasn’t spotted this thread.

Anyway I’ve lost interest fixing the SL2s, life is too short to worry about such things, I’ve moved on. Automation has been removed permanently from my setup.


Maybe… maybe not… :thinking: