My SL2s have died!

My point was simpler than that. When Naim guys want to hear the Naim sound, they use Naim SL2 speakers.


I was fortunate to visit the factory a few months back, during the tour we ended up in the room with the SL2s, being a sad old git I checked out their SL2s and was shocked by how they were setup!
So my point is the Naim engineers are not hearing what these speakers can deliver.


They must have set them up correctly some time ago.
Thought the nait 50 was voiced with sl2s :blush:

Thatā€™s correct but I hope the factory SL2s had more care and attention when the Nait 50 was connectedā€¦ I can confirm though the SL2s with the Nait 50 sound excellent.

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Yes, I can also confirm that.

But my SL2s sound much better with 52/135s (not surprisingly).


And my ones better again with 52/500 (not surprisingly)

Sorry, just had to have a wee laugh about your post Jim.

Fair comment, I bet they sound great.

Standby, wait for our active team members to put their two cents in :joy:

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Iā€™m surprised the Nait 50 was voiced using the SL2, firstly does the nait 50 have enough curry to grip the bottom or is it a vocal measurement?end and secondly Naim no longer build/sale SL2 speakers.
Why on earth wouldnā€™t they voice it with focal speakersā€¦ā€¦?

Someoneā€™s brothers uncle, told me, it was because Focal wouldnā€™t allow them to use their loudspeakers.


Not the department where they ā€œvoiceā€ things - if this hype exist.

The tech team have obviously had these SL2 speakers back from old days, no need/wish to put Focals in there.
Its ā€œjustā€ the customer demos in which they are forced to use Focal loudspeakers.

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IIRC the NAIT50 was developed using a variety of Naim and Focal speakers, including Steveā€™s own SBLs at home.


Looks like theyā€™re in the naughty corner :joy:


No more than yours, punished too :grin:


Plenty of space around these beauties :joy::wink::+1:

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Hifi man deleted his postā€¦.but yes, I agree, they seem to have enough space.

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Whatever speakers Iā€™ll use, whatever amp, Roy George will always be the audio designer to me.

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Looks like Vincent Priceā€¦

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Indeed it is. A classic folk horror film from 1968.

I have been a devoted follower of Hammer Films back in the daysā€¦ :slight_smile:

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