My SL2s have died!

It sounds like something that if Naim has been made aware and not fixed they potentially could be found liable in law for damage done… , Not an area of law with which I have been involved - it would need a lawyer specialising in tort to advise, but before resorting to law it would be better to make an approach direct to Naim.

If that is not a runner or fails I have already pointed out the possibility of a home insurance claim, but this now having occurred to me, claiming from the manufacturer if possible is probably the morally better approach, though whether either worth it depends on the actual cost of fixing.


Great,SBL’s had more boogie factor than SL2 in my system and I like the clean design better.


But you just replaced your beloved SBLs with Kudos! :grinning:

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All I did - tapped the + twice then it became unstoppable, paused the music, I felt resistance on the 552 volume and I couldn’t move it counterclockwise until I ended the Naim app!


More bass and prat? What lies within “boogie”. What parameters are different? :blush:

FYI, I’ve had this escalating ‘stuck’ volume issue with a FLASH handset, the 552 volume control motor fighting any attempt to pull it back. Scary stuff.

Obvious to say, something got ‘stuck’ – does a quick double-tap of the app control generate a steadily increasing volume until it’s tapped again? I’ve had some remotes work this way…and it can be a tad haphazard.


Boogie is a repetitive, swung note or shuffle rhythm,[2] “groove” or pattern used in blues which was originally played on the piano in boogie-woogie music. The characteristic rhythm and feel of the boogie was then adapted to guitar, double bass, and other instruments.

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My understanding of consumer law is that it’s the retailer who is legally responsible in cases such as this. If they have sold you something which fails to function correctly then they are liable. As such any approach should be to the dealer since it is they, rather than Naim, who sold the equipment.

Some retailers (not specifically hi-fi) will try to ‘fob you off’ with ‘you need to contact the manufacturer about this’. They are just attempting to dodge their legal obligations so stand your ground and tell them ‘I haven’t purchased anything from the manufacturer. I purchased it from you’.

If Naim programmed this feature into the app I would suggest they remove it as its cost me my SL2s, no second setup, time, money, stress you name it…

and it appears I’m not alone

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Yea sure that I get :+1: Wondered if you have any ideas what parameters in a speaker that creates this since I sometimes suspect people that hear more bass think it is more boogie. It’s very easy to think more bass is better and one can often initially think this is more boogie. To me a firm tight well defined and balanced bass give me boogie.

Obviously they sound different but in which way? :blush:

From what I’ve seen on here, I’m only aware of the “connect” issue of someone using say, Spotify connect on your device and not properly disconnecting. Then many miles away trying to use Spotify, wondering why it’s not working, trying to raise the volume but instead raising the volume on the still-connected system many miles away. IIRC, the fail-safe here is to set a max volume limit.

Anyway, I’ve emailed and asked @stevesky for clarification here.

However, sticky volume control buttons or “phantom” remotes stuck down the side of sofas or armchairs have been far more prevalent for this sort of event in the past.


i think you will find the SBL are more easier to drive for your 250 where the SL2 are more demanding of an amp.

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Yes, this was exactly the same as what happened to me. I guess I should have reported it to Naim so that they could have checked it out…


Lol so its your fault !!! :grin:

Arguably yes! Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

@HiFiman See it as a chance to go active,that’s the way both SBL and SL2 should ultimately be driven.

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without any shadow of doubt.

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There is now an option to prevent this function in the Spotify app. Unfortunately it is disabled by default, so you would need to ensure that any visiting Spotify users disable it on their device when you give them access to your network.


Im trying to keep the Fraim to one stack :grin:

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That’s good news, thanks Chris. I don’t use Spotify myself (or indeed any streaming service) so thank you for the clarification.

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