My SL2s have died!

Sounds very positive… :slightly_smiling_face:


I guess that might be the case for HiFiman. In my case it was definitely system automation. If I remember correctly, I had to pull out the system automation cable to stop the volume knob turning.

No issues since I did away with the system automation.


Nice to hear.
What is your first impression back to SBL?

Please go for repair of the SL2.
No new speaker - I think it will be difficult to beat.

Have you checked the mid bass if they are scratching when you push them in. If not and the tweeter still has sound, it could be only the XO.
Could be…


Yeah, its the first thing I tried when the incident happened, the drivers are smooth :+1:

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Maybe not so much wrong then…? Perhaps just the crossover is ‘fried’…?


He could try to use the SBL crossover on the sl2? Or are they so much different? I do not know if this can be done as a test.

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Maybe @Richard.Dane can advise here…?

Vicki and the teenagers are at the caravan, I will have to explain to my daughters why I’ve dismantled their setup!

Firstly I love the look of the SBLs in this room, go well with the fireplace and are smaller than the SL2s.
Sound wise, tad more aireness to the sound, bass seems a bit deeper too, I find this very strange maybe my SL2s crossover was on the way out and requires some TLC

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Really - SBL is better?
Maybe all this tragedy has something good at the end :blush:

A nait50 without speakers is sad…


SL2 crossovers do work on the SBL but as I have only one pair of speakers left that are working the SL2 crossovers are going nowhere near the SBLs

It was meant only to check if the sl2 has driver damage or not.
SBL crossovers at sl2!
Not the other way round - no way!


Technically the SL2 is better speaker but in a few weeks order will be restored (hopefully)

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Its nice to sit back and relax to music again, especially now as I have the house to my myself !


How unfortunate!
My own near miss was when I had a Superuniti (same volume control as a 272 which someone mentioned earlier in the thread) which had a wobble when restarting itself after a firmware update. On startup it chose itself an iRadio channel, played it, and cranked the volume up to max. Fortunately I was in the room and managed to dive for the volume knob before any harm was done, although the cat left the room in disgust.


Yes. I’ve set it to 60%. When I now turn up the volume to 100% it is loud, but no distortion.

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If you have cooked a driver (s) they can smell burnt. I think a smell test is required. You can get a gritty sound/feel if you gently push the driver evenly in as already mentioned.
I may of missed this, but i find it interesting that both drivers have given up the goat. Probably shows how close they are matched to each other , i guess.
I personally have never heard of crossovers getting destroyed with an overload of signal/distortion. Life is a learning experience and I’ve learned something today, as they say if it can happen, it has happened.
Id be very reluctant to use that app again. Out the window with it and all it represents then invest in a decent vinyl set up. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
A few years ago, my wife backed into one of my SL2 speakers, she didn’t knock it over just decoupled its mount. Please don’t ask me how she managed to do it I still can’t see how it was possible to this very day. Fortunately, no damage was done but the window did come to my mind……and no, we weren’t arguing at the time…

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The main drivers appear to be okay as they push back and forth smoothly.

Many years ago a similar incident occurred with my then Allaes, volume turned up to max (toddlers!!!) then play was hit, took out both crossovers and the tweeters.

Listening to the SL2s I think one tweeter and both crossovers have failed, difficult to judge though but both SL2s have an issue.

The SBLs sound wonderful and it makes me wonder if the SL2 crossovers were on the way out, weak, and the max volume finished them off. Its a shame because I replaced the SL2 tweeters about a year ago !!

Automation has been turned off and the cable removed, personally I think Naim need to rethink the volume + on this app i.e. stops after 1 second, no hold or press etc, increments… this has cost me financially, time, trip to Leicester with the SL2s in the boot and collection when ready.


i totally agree.

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Given how fast power come on naim it would indeed need some safety belts. I never ever hold the + button on either remote or app. Always short pressing.

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