My SL2s have died!

Of course this sort of discussion about liability and the Law guarantees that no-one from Naim will comment here about what might have happened at all. I’m not sure that it helps anyone tbh.


As I mentioned earlier, there are numerous stages between the app and the preamp. Reliably attributing the root cause from a single instance is utterly impossible.

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I once had a bug report from a irate customer:

“It doesn’t work”

When asked to explain what they were trying to do, what they expected to happen and what actually happened:

“Trying to use the software. It doesn’t work. You need to fix it.”


Well neither does a great deal of the material written hereabouts but I’m not sure that helping anyone is in reality much of a consideration for most posters most of the time. People just say what they think. Not sure what makes this particular discussion any different.

Most posters are trying to help the OP with his problem, wouldn’t you say?


My posts were trying to help the OP or anyone else in similar situation reading this thread. However I take the point that davidhendon made, and perhaps my observation about liability would have been better after a few more days potentially for Naim to contribute (and depending what they might say)

In response to a post by @Innocent_Bystander where he was contemplating a potential legal liability by Naim, I made the point that my understanding of consumer law was that it was the retailer who was liable rather than Naim, since the OP hasn’t purchased anything from Naim. So therefore any approach should be made to his dealer.

The discussion regarding any liability that Naim may have was not initiated by me and I merely made the point that IMO it was not really relevant here and would only be so in cases such as where severe injury or death had occurred.

So I hope that my suggestion for the OP to approach his dealer under the auspices of consumer law was helpful and a sensible starting point in the journey to attempt to obtain some sort of mitigation for this unfortunate and costly occurence.

All OK now?

I don’t think they will say anything. Which is very sensible of them.

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I agree, SBLs are mighty!


Hi I find that the automation lead alters the sound (negatively) so haven’t used it in years .I have on a couple of occasions fitted it back in to check if I was wrong with my observations but no-- I just reconfirmed I wasn’t -

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The automation contributed to the max volume issue, my SL2s now sit unloved in the spare room needing attention…

As the days roll on I’ve become angry to why this could happen, there’s no failsafe built into the Naim app to prevent this from happening!

Understandably there’s no reply from Naim on this thread.


Could this also be an android software issue? Naim app sending it’s instruction to android software that mess up.

And have anyone else in this forum had the same problem ever? I cannot remember reading about it.

Who knows but Naim have an app that runs on Android, you would expect it to work. Thats for Naim / Android to sort not the end user. Please remember we spend thousands on audio equipment.

When the incident took place I could not turn the volume counterclockwise until I terminated the Naim app, this illustrates the Naim app continued to send a + volume signal to the pre.

You’ve assumed it’s the app despite there being so many other links in the chain. And to be honest, they are all equally likely until root caused.

The anger and frustration is perfectly understandable. But I don’t think there is any evidence to help attribute blame.

Will your insurance cover it?

In stressful times like these, I often repeat to myself “It’s only a big deal if I make it a big deal”. I don’t always succeed but it often helps.

I don’t know to much about android and their app implementation into their main code. But what I’m thinking is it could also be the naim app sending its instruction say increase volume one step to the android software which then hangs and continue to send that one step increase to the naim system. If the android version on your phone messed up I’m thinking there is no way for naim to prevent it since android OS is the part handing over the request from the app. Just saying it is not 100% sure it is a naim problem. It can also be an android problem.

In either way I’m sorry for the situation :worried:

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I don’t think you’ll get any comments from Naim here, however, I think they are investigating. If you aren’t already then I would advise you to contact Naim through your dealer or directly. They will certainly want to know whether there’s any potential issue here and your input will likely be important.


Very unfortunate that the op has had this happen, some frustration is understandable.

Nevertheless when I had a tweeter issue with SBLs, which recurred, despite a box swap and servicing where appropriate, Naim when far and beyond to address the issue.

Fair to say, I didn’t raise it here, rather It was directly raised through the dealer. Subsequently Naim dealt with me directly, dealer in the loop. Two different senior members of staff taking the time to visit. All items long out of warranty, the only cost to me, that of servicing which was by then on the horizon, so fair enough.

The thread has gone off, imho in an unnecessary direction with some posts. Personally, I can’t speak highly enough of Naim’s customer service response, via the dealer.
Only action necessary is to document as comprehensively as possible events and pass this through the dealer to Naim.

When a new Nova developed a very obscure issue here, between the dealer and myself, we tried it across four different networks and documented our methodology and findings.
The unit spent only a minimum amount of time at hq, with service department having a fairly clear idea as to the issue - small part with v low failure rate. Unit returned directly and has been faultless ever since.

If the op intends to speak with the dealer, no mention yet, ensure the control point is not updated. Perhaps make it available, by virtue of arranging an alternate in some form.


IMHO, it would be more constructive to try and replicate the conditions for the issue (which appear to have a number of variables), rather than simply start a ‘blame game’. Otherwise, it’s simply solutionising ahead of problem analysis.

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Good to hear that Naim are looking at it. Assuming it isnt a bug, I would imagine Naim may be able to do a few things to circumvent this scenario should it happen. E.g. limiting what happens when a finger is pressed on + for a long time - you might limit a continuous press to only pass on the signal for a shorter capped time

Rules are for the guidance of wise men.