My SL2s have died!

Hi @HiFiman,

From reading all of this I have now removed the system automation cable while system is unattended. I would be really angry if my speakers or 500DR were damaged as a result of an app running triggered the 552DR volume to keep going up.

So 1st thing is get the SL2s repaired at whatever cost if you love them. Or buy some different speakers if you want.

I would record everything that you do. And then look at some form of insurance or Naim to help with your claim.

Who is to blame? Who knows? But hopefully Naim may be able to help in some way.

Unfortunately these things happen in life. Not deliberately but thatā€™s how it is.

Have you had a quote for SL2 repair? Home insurance may well cover you for accidental damage. Itā€™s a relatively small claim.


Hi @Dan_M thanks for your post. I didnā€™t create this thread to point the blame towards Naim, also Iā€™m not after any compensation, it was to highlight the issue I experienced, to make other forum members aware and for Naim to maybe look at some form of failsafe.


The SBLs are doing a sterling job at the moment and sound fantastic on the end of my kit, going forward I have a plan but for now things will have to wait until September.


Well Said.

I suspect that Naim are covered, by having a maximum volume setting in Audio Settings within the App. I know this does not help, but these things do happen. I had a Sony Trinitron that went faulty. The protection circuitry should have clamped the power supply down on development of the fault. It did not and the rest is history and charred. :disappointed_relieved:

I know that you arenā€™t pointing the blame. I am taking on board your experience and have reacted to it with disabling system automation.

I hope you can get those SL2s rebuilt my friend!


with respect
All i can think is the Naim app went haywire and the Naim preamp volume went boobies up and the Naim amp went through the roof and the naim speakers went to heaven, obviously not Naimā€™s responsibility. Then i think dam i love Naim/ olive :blush:

Playing a 1974 3rd pressing Japanese Dark side of the moon EMS-80324 (Ā£30 mint unplayed) on the Aro 1984 LP 12 simply fabulous and no bill at the end of the monthā€¦ Itā€™s a funny old game :wink: money itā€™s a crime :notes:


I trust you paid upfront for your vinyl :grin:

Yeah in 20 years time iā€™ll still own it.
playing ā€œscary monstersā€ atm first Japanese press mint
Ā£12, got it when i was over there last month.
ill still own that too in 20 years time. iā€™ll put it up to any nd555 all day long against my old girl lp12 aro for musical enjoyment, only issues could be the streaming /app maybe down , im actually smiling as i write this.
do you even know Scary Monsters? hook line and sinkerā€¦ā€¦


In all seriousness, it concerns me we have a generation of audiophiles who really donā€™t know how analog should sound. just jaw dropping sad.


Itā€™s really no worse than people not knowing that they should start sentences with a capital letter. Each to their own.


You surely mean we have a generation of people
Not many are audiophile, those that are do often have a turntable.

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Dad, is it you?

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Iā€™ve never heard a record player. My parents had/have (itā€™s in boxes I need to figure out selling it), a pioneer setup which includes a record player but it must have only been used after I went to bed. Due to my physical restrictions getting into records has never made sense for me. I think itā€™s probably best I donā€™t hear one as if it does sound better that would just make me wish I had one :joy:. I do technically own one record a special edition of a video game included a vinyl with game art decorating it. Iā€™m planning to put it on the wall at some point in a frame.


Actually I know a few like yourself.

Most donā€™t really care, they have grown up with streaming from their phone.
A bit similar, I have grown up with vinyl and doesnā€™t really do much streaming.


I do like the fact that records have become popular with gamers. I think itā€™s one of the ways record players have become popular with a new generation. Whilst they are admittedly often limited runs popular games often include the vinyl version of the gameā€™s soundtrack. They often look really nice too with either art work on the record itself or really pretty sleeves and collection boxes.

I also teally like the emphasize the excellent naim customer service!
That is soo much better than others and top of class.

Thanks - good post.
I was a bit surprised where the thread went. Letā€™s get back on track :blush:

apologies mr fish.

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I was simply making a point that different things matter to different people.