My SL2s have died!

Yes I understand . Just having a bit of fun. :star_struck:
Sorry for the threat diversion.

Back on topic, I love the Sl2 speakerā€¦ā€¦

I did too


SL2s are of course wonderful, but there are plenty of excellent speakers out there. Even now with my little PMCs, I never think ā€˜I wish is still had my SL2sā€™. They can communicate the music just as well. I think sometimes we get a bit misty eyed over these classics.


Absolutely agree.

SL2 are excellent value for money on the secondhand market. Not only the acoustic values they represent but also a near wall speaker with an acceptable wife factor and yes they can handle the jandel on a fun filled evening with the appropriate condiments. This is why i was personally surprised when I read the OP, lā€™ve had mine at ear bleeding levels with not sign of letting go, mind you i have back up tweeters that were going to be fitted 5 years agoā€¦
Not the be all and end all but very suitable for some Naimphile connoisseur.
i know a guy who users them as rear surround speakers.

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Records with surface noise, clicks and pops, wear, warps and speed instability? Expensive cartridges and styli that wear and need to be regularly replaced / refurbished at great expense? Fragile pick-up arms? Itā€™s easy to get all rose-tinted about vinyl but there was an awful lot not to like about it.

We shouldnā€™t revere anaolog as some sort of gold standard. Itā€™s just another, and rather old-fashioned, way of doing things, with a sound that is as full of artefacts and compromises as digital is. Just different ones. Nostagia is fine and I get as weak-kneed as the next person at the sight of a nice record deck. But really things have moved on. Weā€™re no longer in the age of the steam train and horse-driven carriage.

I can well understand people with large existing record collections not wanting to part ways with vinyl. That makes perfect sense to me. But Iā€™m always puzzled why younger people would want to start a record collection these days.

The gold standard is live sound. Itā€™s sad that thereā€™s probably a generation of audiophiles who are not so familiar with live music due to ticket prices etc.


Nice post :+1:
Probably a bit of collection ocd comes into play when it comes the audiophile vinyl nerd. I mean how many record players does one need? @Richard.Dane
i enjoy the hunt for the black gold then when it plays well it is very satisfying, each to his own at the end of the day. nobody is right nobodyā€™s wrong,

As far as the steam train and the horse cart, itā€™s only relevant if youā€™re in a hurry.


Itā€™s never really a case of needā€¦


It is the opposite to my experience, and Iā€™ve been to the Royal Albert Hall, Lincoln Center quite a few times, maybe it is the ambience, not the music or sound. The gold standard is the good recording, what goes in the master, and your good HIFI system.

Nothing can beat a well setup Linn LP12 with a good arm+good cartridge in terms of SQ.


And even more crap at silly prices.
I can point 4-5 excellent good brands instantly, but then thereā€™s so many non excellent out there, known and unknown brands.

SL2 was a visionary successor to SBL.
Hardly no other speakers are build with separate decoupled cabinets like these. incl NBL and DBL, Allaeā€¦
SBLā€™s were developed in the 80ā€™s and probably the first Naim with this concept, JV was a man of alternative thinking.
Later Ovator range used BMR units and decoupled feet with success, not many competitors. I do believe they were developed after JVā€™s passing.

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Just to be clear here, the SBLs were Roy Georgeā€™s design (along with the DBL, IBL, SL2 etcā€¦). The Ovator was more collaborative between Roy and the team and Karl-Heinz Fink.

Roy with an IBL - photo courtesy of Hifi Review.


IBL is so tiny and cute :blush: You donā€™t realise when you see them on their own.


Thank you for sharing this and the picture.So much musical enjoyment that RoyĀ“s designs give us !


Iā€™m aware of that but JV was Manager by then - the final word.

He looks quite ā€¦ German.

I canā€™t say i enjoyed the S400 speaker, but every other Naim audio speaker iā€™ve herd has been excellent. how about we get back on topic

SL2 repair and app issues

I bought a pair of IBLs on release and was surprised when I was presented with one box. :thinking: :+1:t2:


I suppose it depends on exactly how you are making that judgement and exactly how you define SQ.

But to say that a hi-fi system sounds superior to the real thing does seem a little bizarre and begs the question of what exactly weā€™re trying to achieve if not to emulate real music played live?

Bear in mind that a studio performance cannot be recreated live. But if your aim is to emulate what was heard in a studio control booth as opposed to what you will hear listening to musicians performing music live on stage then I can see your point.

Albeit a heavy one! :slight_smile:


Iā€™d still have them if they hadnā€™t kept modding them all the time I felt like I was a beta tester for them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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sounds like BMW motorcycles

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