N-sub manual

Hi all

Been looking for a manual for the n-sub, can’t seem to find one?

Can anyone suggest where I may find one please?


Naim Support should be able to help with a pdf. However, note it’s currently a bank holiday in the UK.

It’s easily found by Google…I was just looking at it.

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Thanks guys

Looked on Google with no luck, or at least no direct link to the old area on the Naim site where all manuals used to be, have Naim dropped this facility unless calling them requesting a PDF?

The new website appears to be still work-in-progrees with regard to the manuals. I would look elsewhere via google, as David seems to have found the pdf quite easily.

You can get it free from manualslib dot com (edited so it’s not an actual live link).

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Thanks David

I did find this initially but was hoping to be able to find it on the Naim site
I have eventually managed to download and print the four pages needed

Thanks again.

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The manual covers the full range of Naim speakers from that time, and has a drawing of an SL2 on the front. You’ll find it as a downloadable pdf if you search online.

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I tend to judge Support ‘offerings’ harshly when a company can’t be arsed to host its own manuals.

This has been a long term frustration with New Naim and their older manuals. Yet several Tom, Du*ck or Harry websites have/had seen fit to improve their attractiveness to Naim owners by hosting them.


Well Said.

Come on, Naim. Its not that difficult…! Or it shouldn’t be…

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It’s support like this that has been an important factor for many Naim fans over the years, I was completely miffed about having to go “off board” to look for the manual.

I have just checked and manuals are available for some discontinued products e.g. Ovators & NDS. I found these via search function. Possibly oversight rather than omission?

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I see you’ve got this at a brilliant price over on PFM.

Best of luck with it.

Just in case you’re not aware the Narcom 4 remote has a sub button that can allow practicallly all the functions of the n-sub remote.


n-Sub is awesome, multiple inputs is the winner here.

If that’s aimed at me sadly not

I have recently had major back surgery and didn’t realise just how far the seller lives from me, I am unable to drive at the moment and my wife refused to drive the 100 miles plus…women eh…

I will pick up the search when my back is on the road to recovery (no pun intended) or I find one a little nearer

Also looking at BK subs but would prefer an n-sub, even though I’ve never heard one……

Its only to be used for the 2 channel system to work alongside a pair of Neat Momentum 4i’s,

I want to scratch an itch, amazing how boring life gets when you can do practically nothing and all your life seems to consists of is ripping discs to a hard drive…:grin:

Thanks Steven

I did manage to Google and download those three info sheets, I honestly thought there was going to be far more info than three sheets though!

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I have a theatre system integrated, so being able to have nsub on one channel for that, then switch to the other channel for 2.1 listening is amazing. My main amp is integrated into the theatre for the fronts.

I imagine there are other subs that allow this but I have am not aware of them.

How do you find the n-sub sound wise?