NAC82/ NAP200 - HiCap or don’t bother?

Yes, I saw the diagram and your confirmation that this is how you wired it. I was just checking you didn’t have a CB Hicap which would require the use of socket 2 on the Hicap.

Darren at Class A can service Hicaps quickly and at a lower cost than the factory (assuming you are in the UK).

You will currently have the 4-pin in socket 3, just in case there is a fault on socket 3 move the cable to socket 2 and see if you get an improvement. If not it could well be the Hicap needs a service, a poorly one will be worse than no Hicap at all.

Hi! Thanks :slight_smile:

So nothing bad can happen to any parts of the system when checking the other socket on the Hicap? Just to be sure :wink:

I live in Norway, so Darren is not doen the street. But I have some dealers in Oslo, they can do the process for me. But expensive! £5k + shipping and packaging, aka gloser to £7k in total. For an ordinært service. Madness.


There are eu based service centres also Naim autorised.

You can use any of the 4-pin sockets quite safely. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve shipped Ford Granada Mk1 parts to Norway (from the UK) before and I don’t remember it being that expensive! :astonished:

Paging Clare for an authorized service center in Norway.

Best to talk to the distributor re. servicing.

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My bad, this mess. I found the source for the frustration. I adjusted the Linn Majik DS to 100% volume under settings. And the distorted sound came when moving from volume 80 towards 100. Re-adjusted down to max 80, and the problem is gone. No wonder the name Majik. The solution was pure magic. Sorry for the confusion. All is good with the Hicap and the new owner :wink:



I love a simple solution…

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Me too. The feeling you get when you suddenly remember and the solution presents itself is pretty goaddamn majik after hours and hours of frustration :wink:

Thanks for all your help!

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Indeed - Multirom are great

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I’ve had some chats with them the last few days. Great guys over there!

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