Naim 222. Analogue Power Failure

Yes it’s a concern even my NC NAP 250 failed in less than 5 months, may be it is bad luck for me.

i think one thing to bear in mind with the faulty new classic stuff is we dont know how many units have been sold, also this stuff is way more complex than anything naim have made before, changes in where stuff is made, hard to get components but the best warranty and after care in the world. there was always going to be some issues, its all learning


Ok,as I remember it - left it last night everything working well, Diana Krall bliss through the P10, everything good. Wake up this morning, switch on, high pitched (although low volume) whine through the speakers, something wrong, follow sequence that fixed the problem last night. No music and error message again either through streamer or TT source. I did think about the Morgana I/C but problem exists even when Morgana I/C not plugged in and with standard I/C installed. in fact only time it was working well was with the Morgana I/C installed. I think it’s the 222.

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I think the complexity and the associated high level of automation, is key here. The simpler a device is, the less actual ‘things’ it contains to go wrong - so an old school Naim NAP, say. The more complex a device is (and the more functionality there is, in one box *), the more ‘things’ it contains to go wrong - something like an NC222, say. Adding software based functions, adds further to the complexity - and to the potential for things to ‘go wrong’.

In this case, the 222 is saying its got a problem - so, get the 222 looked at by a Naim dealer.

Yes, there is all sorts of computery going on inside. I’ve noticed that I’m able to advise less and less, as more people move to the new kit. I’m sure it’s the same for lots of us old lags, so the Forum will be less effective for a while, until experience of NC accumulates. Other than ‘speak to the dealer’ it’s hard to know what else to suggest.

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(*) - Because there is more functionality in a single box, with say a 222 - streamer, pre-amp and PS - then mathematically it must be less reliable as a unit. There is more in the single box to ‘go wrong’.

Historically, Naim did the opposite to this - they spilt the functionality over several boxes. There was also very little software involved.

Now Naim have far more complex units, with much greater complexity - even the NAP’s now have software, with the NC range.

Its not an excuse, but the result of this is likely what is being reported, in this thread and it others.

But… these are (relatively) new units, likely still within warranty. So… first call should be to the selling Naim Dealer. Please…?



A bit like new cars. I used to take on many repairs/servicing; wouldn’t touch one now. Very many computers, sensors, advanced software, bus systems, specialist kit needed, etc

In this case, this needs to go back to Naim.

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I avoid buying new model cars and wait for atleast 3 years till all the issues are resolved, may be this does not applies to electronic components :thinking:

yea this is it, i think they will get it right but i bet some people at Naim were a little nervous on launch. look at the old classic and 500 series, its just all chunky over engineered analogue stuff. things can go wrong with anything though. i think statement is also complex but i bet it takes a while to build one to make sure its right.

I mean iv not heard anyone with new classic massage a burndy…that was a thing with the old stuff but it is bonkers when you think about it. im on the chunky analogue burndy massaging two stacks fence!haha

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Have you split the kit up completely and tested each part in isolation?
Remove all no Naim ics

  • 222 alone no PS - with headphones no 250.
  • add 250
  • add PS
    It’s all integrated now and one part can affect another.

Another risk for Naim, was the move from development and pre-production to true production - and in this case, also making greater use of non-UK subcontract work (albeit a proven one).

It probably help now that the launch of the NC range is ‘done’, so the initial (hoped for) rush of sales will have likely abated now, allowing production numbers to settle down somewhat maybe.

Its really all just numbers. Greater complexity = higher (potential) failure rate.

I regard this as optional for the OP, @pslosarc . It may/may not reveal something.

The only way to fix this, is to contact their Naim dealer.

This is NEW kit…!!!

(but - Yes - to remove non-Naim leads)

Sorry for the OP
All new gear and this is it because technology is so advanced its fragile and temperamental .
There’s a lot to be said for keeping it simple spinning a disc. :thinking:


Of course. If the dealer is nearby I would expect them round in a few days to sort it out, well that’s what my dealer always used to do when I bought new kit.

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AFAIK, Naim do not issue Crystal Balls, so the dealer will only ‘know’ if they are contacted.

It is possible that advice over email or phone from a dealer - or perhaps Naim Support, might move things forward for the OP.

I thought they came with Fraim? :thinking:


Solar Flare? :sweat_smile:

Very good… :crazy_face:

Wrong Sort of Balls… :expressionless:

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Headphone socket blown…Back to Naim

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