Naim 222. Analogue Power Failure

So the headphone amp is the problem? Seems odd. Sorry to hear. Be glad you’re not in North America because you’d be in for a long wait for turn around.

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funny you mention solar flare - my laptop was really playing up yesterday - endless error msgs reboots apps closing down - today everything has been fine

I think it was some sort of analogue conversion power problem (as per the error message) within the 222 that was effecting all output (no music from any source & loud buzzing from the headphone socket). Anyway it’s on its way back to Naim and the borrowed replacement is working fine. Bravo Acoustica.


Late to the party, and seems a solution is in progress. My NC NAP 250 wouldn’t standby automatically, worked fine otherwise (it’s connected to a NSC 222).

That went back to Salisbury and was resolved as part of a known issue and subsequent modification fix relative to the original design as shipped.

Despite stringent QA testing and component selection, anomolies can materialise once a new product is shipping in volume and users start using their new products as intended.
In my case it was turned around in a few weeks and is behaving normally.

Here’s hoping yours has a speedy turn around, at least you have a loaner as a backup :smiling_face:

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I know what I’m Spinning when I get home- Amii Stewart “Knock on Wood”

Makes me wonder if the 5 pin Morgana DIN didn’t quite fit right with the new 8 pin DIN. The fact that it’s a powered DIN may have been the cause of the issue.

My NVCTT is being powered off of the 222/300 at the moment.

In view of the thread titel, the following is worth noting for NSC222 users, who have a similar screen error message.

NSC22 + NC250 is now about fifteen months old. At around nine months old, error message appeared, no NPX in use, in this case.
Via dealer Paul at HFL arranged for a new link plug from the factory.
Until a couple of weeks ago, all fine.
However away for a week, both units powered off. Took a couple of attempts to get the system up and running - then a few days later, the same error message as last time - photo below appeared. Music still played and the message went away w/o any action, iirc.
Good luck to the OP; hope this experience helps others, if it occurs.

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I reflect now on a number of occasions over the last six months or so where the app showed a song progressing on the 222 streamer but no sound, powering down and back up would fix the problem. Treated it as a Naim idiosyncrasy and not worth reporting. I think now could have been a potential issue in waiting and last night exercising new circuits with the brand new NSC TT/NPV TT caused an otherwise inconvenience to result in a failure. Seems too much of a coincidence, so be alert any 222 users who experience occasional app showing song streaming but no sound.

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My 222 works flawlessly so I think your unit is having some issues.

So whilst I await the return of my failed 222 from Salisbury the replacement 222 my dealer had lent me today experienced the same no music output problem described above. Unplug the 300 reboot and problem solved music returns. It can’t be the 222 this time so makes me wonder if the audio signal passes through the 300 via the burndies and it’s actually a burndie or 300 intermittent problem in addition to the 222? Scratches head in frustration, it’s a real mystery to me, a call to the Naim support line on Monday methinks.


Well try it for a bit without the NPX……

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Very unlikely that the signal still routes in any way to the power supplies in the NC range. There’s no need for this.

But it may be possible that the power supply breakes the ground somehow so the audio signal basically fails to make a circuit.

Do you think Naim might want to take your NPX in for an exam too?

I just installed my NSC222/NAP 250 I am not using NPX300 and after approximately 2 hours of streaming from different platforms Spotify Tidal Qobuz the same message appears but music still plays if I just hit ok button on remote message disappears I have fired off email to Naim Canada from their input.I was experimenting with different speaker and power cables thinking that might be the problem I reinstalled factory power and my NACA5 cables but warning eventually reappeared this is my first time using Naim gear not off to a happy start

No doubt disappointing. You may also like to copy in Naim support in UK. There were a small batch of faulty link plugs, from an external supplier, apparently. I heard this third hand, so best ask what HQ suggest.
Are you using a NC250 or an OC 250 (like NAP250DR)?
Naim support is top rate, so you should have no concerns on that score. Hopefully the unit works ok.

edit - you might wish to update your profile

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I am using New Classic Nap250 I also have AURIS Fortissimo integrated tube amp with AYON S10 Mk11 Signature pre/dac/streamer

I’m sure it used to (audio route via the power supply). If it did then what’s changed now?

If it was a grounding issue why intermittent? Also why would restarting the 222 (via unplugging at the wall) resolve the problem?

I would hope it doesn’t need to go back and that others on the forum have experienced this occasional ‘glitch’ which I can live with provided it doesn’t develop further issues that prevent listening enjoyment.

How old is your NSC222?

Mine is off at the moment, after a couple of ‘glitches’ earlier, using an analogue input (Nat-02).
No NPX, just NSC + NC250.

Prior to the NC range, all preamp signals (with the exception of the 172 and 272) went via the power supply (FlatCap, HiCap, SuperCap) and then to the power amp. Never from preamp to power amp.

The NPX300 serves no signal bridging role anymore and the preamps feed the power amps directly.

However, the signal ground for Naim is commonly via the source, which in this case would be the 222, and with a NPX300 would be grounded out through the burndy from the 222 to the 300.

As to why such things would be intermittent, this is why engineers sit with the boxes and troubleshoot them. Talking the issue through logically will get you only so far. After a point, the assumptions made on what seems logical will let you down and things will need to be tested. Could be a faulty relay, or even an errant static charge on something. Even with the old kit, there are tales of things like earth loops that went away when the loop was broken once and did not return even after the problem connection was reinstated. Ultimately, someone will just have to sit and look at the thing to accurately root cause it.

Had the same message flash up on my 333 last week. Change of input cleared it immediately.

No NPX 300 in my system…spurious software glitch?

I’ve owned a 222/250 for more than a year and have never had this error occur. I’ve never used an NPX300 with it.