Naim App on iOS doing my brain in

Thanks for the feedback, I have had no issues with BT, their service providing my internet/WiFi has been excellent so happy to stick with what I have.

Always happy to provide feedback even to people who don’t wanna listen

I’m happy to listen the problem is you had nothing to say, all you said was get rid of BT. No why, no suggestion of what to replacement it with. Just someone sounding off.

Maybe you could have been more constructive with your criticism of BT, maybe then I might have heard something.

I would be happy to explain and recommend some great hardware. To be clear I didn’t say to get rid of BT I said there is problems with the BT Home hub it’s connectivity issues or legendary. Google is your friend.

You didn’t offer any help, maybe you could have put your comments in a more constructive way and made some suggestions in your original post, but instead you just ranted about BT kit and the importance of getting rid of it.

What did you expect as a reply?

If they are the latest type, meaning SmartHub2 and its partnering Disc that gives BT’s “Complete Wi-Fi”
Then the BT contract with Complete Wifi guarrantees “Reliable wi-fi in every room, or £100 money-back guarantee 
 Complete Wi-Fi extends your signal so you can work, stream or game anywhere in your home”.
If you have this BT Complete Wifi contract with the Hub & black Disc shown in the picture, then you are entitled to call on BT to fix it.

However (assuming the disc is not actually faulty) I susoect it just needs re-“Pairing” with the S.Hub-2 again. You should have done this already when it was first installed. Take the disc & its power supply to the S.Hub-2, power it up and connect them togther with ethernet, the disc’s blue light will flash for a few seconds. When it stops flashing and stays illuminated blue, the pairing handshake is complete. Unplug the disc and take it back to its remote position and plug it in, that should all work.
Re the disc position, remember its a range extender, it should be positioned aproximatly half way between the S.Hub-2 and the furthest required signal point.

And re the comments from your friend above, the BT SmartHub2 is one of the best wireless hubs on the market. OK I accept the previous BT hubs were not the best, but that does NOT include SmartHub2.

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Yes the image is my BT setup, that is exactly what I have.

Our house is spread over 3 floors, the Hub is on the ground floor and connected via BT supplied cables to its wall box, the disc is on the first floor just outside the first floor lounge where the Naim kit is along with the TV, everything is WiFi connected.

The top floor has my computer/printers again all connected via WiFi.

Never had a connection issue with any item until now, this App to 222 issue was the first time that something didn’t connect first time and stay connected.

Your suggestion for re-pairing the system is a good one I’ll take up.

Thanks, I appreciate your input.

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Similar thread and issues :

« Arnsider

[May '21](/t/bt-smart-hub-2-and-app-connection-issues

For any other users having connection issues with the app I came across this. Apologies if this has already been covered.

BT is aware of an issue affecting users with BT Smart Hub 2 routers that causes problems with connecting to players in a wireless configuration. This is caused by a bug in the BT Smart Hub 2’s firmware (version V0.26.03.01286 ) which prevents devices on the 5GHz band from communicating with devices on the 2.4GHz band, and vice versa. Most of the affected users have iPhones running iOS version 14.4.2, but we have seen other types of controller, such as Android devices, affected by this issue as well.

It seems the workaround is to disable 5GHz until BT release new firmware in a few weeks. »

Ancient history FR
That post is from 2021, BT’s hub(s) firmware changes automatically 2 or 3 times a year.
It’s now v0.43.01.15019-BT

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Do you have set “fixed” IP’s on your gears ?
That could be it

Definitely an issue with the network and the wifi connected devices jumping most probably between the disc, router and between 2.4G & 5G as well.

Been working with a customer recently as his wifi connected UnitiStar kept dropping out and the Naim app (on iOS) was regularly losing sight of the streamer. Would seem that the connected devices were jumping between the various wifi nodes &/or frequencies and the streamer/app link was breaking down as a result.

Resolved it with a single TP Link Deco M5 WAP connected (i.e. wired) to the BT router and setup to create a specific wifi link just for the UnitiStar. The router then thinks that the UnitiStar is wired into it and manages the app connectivity properly as a result. The iOS devices remain connected to the BT router/disc network and all has been rock solid since.

Admittedly a bit of a work around, but resolved the situation in this instance.

Another customer has his network connected system (Innuos ZENmini & NSC222) plugged into a BT Whole House disc’s Ethernet port and has no issues with connectivity & app visibility there, so maybe this is something you could try.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks Tony,

There are a couple of things that I would like to try, your suggestion below is one of them and definitely worthy of further investigation.

Not sure what you mean by this, can you elaborate please.

Fixed or ‘static’ IP address means you set you own IP numbers and this is normally done outside your (BT) IP licence range.
Messing around with it is a waste of time, it does nothing at best and monster headaches if you don’t know what you’re doing.
All wirless hubs (routers) have a program installed called DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). This is specifically designed to aid ALL users, irrispective of IT abilities. It automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and configuration of subnet mask and default gateway.
Also your BT SH2 always uses the same IP address once its set with DHCP, it normally does this without any help, but has a setting in the Hub Manager to set it so it never changes so it is in practice a fixed IP address, but within the BT IP licence.
Here’s a screen shot of the relivant Hub Manager screen.

I have a TP-Link Deco X50 mesh network, and to avoid any miscommunication between my wifi connected devices, there’s an “address reservation”.
So I “fixed” my TV, HC amp, Google dongle, etc

And since I never lost again 1 device.

 Thats exactly what Oxfordian’s BT SmartHub2 does, as per my previous post. I’ve added a screen shot to the post to show where and how to do this

I wondered, vaguely, if the 222 might have had a static ip assigned in its network setup?
If so, this could be conflicting with a previously reserved address on the router.

Naim units are factory set to DHCP with a selectable static option, so if someone has previously gone in and reset to static 
 its a possible

Network issues are often a challenge. Been dealing with these & other issues for many years on our customers’ behalf and every network potentially sets up a new challenge.

Tried the “connect to BT Disc network port” approach with the UnitiStar customer but it didn’t work for him, whilst getting a cable from the router to the streamer would have been a real nightmare. But the TP Link WAP solution worked a treat.

Have another customer’s Qb-1 that isn’t visible when in his network but works a treat within our showroom’s. But I suspect the iOS Private WiFi Address may be behind the issues he is having. Have yet to try this though as only spoke to Naim about the matter on Friday PM.

Another challenge for the forthcoming week ahead

Good luck with your efforts :+1:

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I have no idea what I’m doing so will steer clear.

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