Naim App Update 👎🏻

I always search from the Nova or NDX2 page of the app. I was told by my dealer to always navigate from the player, not the Core. Is that not the case?

You cannot enter text into the search field on Android 5 and lower I think. It just ignores it or crashes from what I have seen.

But I still have no idea what the special sauce is that makes one device (where you can enter text) search and another just sit there like a dumb turd doing nothing. There is not really much debugging info available and TBH, I’m too busy for this nonsense. I’d never really thought about it much until someone mentioned it on this thread. Because apart from that, recent Android or iOS devices, the App works smoothly.

But someone mentioned “search” and burst my bubble :laughing:

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The search thing is a bit of a mess in my view.

Firstly, if you have selected a device, say an NDX2, in the app and click the top right search button, you get search fields “local” and “Tidal”. But local is not your local server, I’m not sure what it is, but it’s not your local files (maybe it’s for a USB, who knows?). So in my case it doesn’t search my Core and I end up with Tidal files of my Core files - a bit pants if you ask me.

So, if you don’t select the top right search button, but press the menu for the Core or server, then the search button, you get three search fields local/Core/Tidal instead of the two you get through using it from the main screen, which is very confusing and I can’t fathom why different search fields search different items?

Add to that, there is some random “field” search bar that you can drag down in any search field that you can’t even enter text into.

Other than searching, the app is fine. But searching is a pretty fundamental aspect of streaming.

Maybe someone should start a new thread with a survey question regarding the use of random play lists. Lets see how many people really care.

It does seem important to some folks, but I don’t use it and don’t plan on using it.

The one thing I do prior to purchasing something is to research the features/functionality to insure I will enjoy what I am spending my money on.

If shuffle functionality is something that was advertised, stated by the sales person that the feature was available or demonstrated in the show room I could see why someone could get upset. Was the questioned asked prior to the purchase or was this just an assumption? If not I can’t see why anyone is upset with app.

Maybe its just me, its late and I’m tired… good night.

This is something which is just expected in our days. A survey is pointless as Naim not even sends you a proper reply when you write to them which I’ve done twice. Customer service I would call poor.

In the app you should access the Core’s upnp via the NDX2 screen and that is what my screen shot was showing (not an NDX2 in my case but it’s the same for any streamer.)

If you tell an album to play via the Core screen of the app, then the Core plays the album via the s/pdif output and not upnp, so you only do it that way when the Core is connected to the digital input of an amplifier or streamer by s/pdif.

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Ah, sheesh, so that search bar is actually hidden in the main view, with just the search icon top right, which only searches in column view:

But if you drag the screen down you get a thumbnail search screen. I never new that;

That’s not a very intuitive setup.

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Looking at the app support list on the Naim web site, there is actually no guides to searching whatsoever.

Probably because their docs writer never got it working and just skipped the whole topic :stuck_out_tongue:

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I didn’t promise intuitive! I just told you how you can search Core stuff! I don’t use Tidal myself so you are way ahead of me there.

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Lots of members have had problems finding features hidden at the top - the screen layout options as well as the search bar. These used to be permanently on display but as the app evolved they were put at the top in a pull down area. It’s a conflict between having everything on view and having more screen area for albums etc.

An FAQ would only take a few minutes to write and would be very helpful. That said it’s pretty standard with apps that there are no manuals: take banking apps, eBay, Amazon or whatever. It’s a matter of playing around to see how it works. It’s easy for young people as they seem to do it intuitively whereas it’s harder for oldies like me.


One of the things Apple does with new tech on iOS is the short “how to” YouTube clips, which would be pretty handy. A 2 minute video of how to use the key features of the App,

Another annoyance :face_with_raised_eyebrow: is when you jump between apps, leaving the Naim app on, when you return to it, the albums track listening goes back to the start, has a rest, then resets back to the track that’s playing. Must be a bug?

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I think it depends whether the app is allowed to stay in active memory or shunted out to make way for another app. If it’s the former it should go back to where it was but if it’s the latter then the app has to re-read where things have got to, which takes a few seconds. So I don’t think it’s a bug as such, more a consequence of the way the Naim app and IOS interact. But I’m guessing to be honest.



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I’ll close some apps to see if that makes a difference.

…and I’ve been told everything is ok with that App! Hmm…,…,:thinking::thinking:

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Have you tried it with the ‘Stay Connected’ on ?? (in Settings > Other Settings)

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Yes, and no difference with closing other apps.

Also does it on both Tidal and from my Core. Not a major, but a bit loose.

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OK, I’ll check it out on mine, but I’ve not seen it that I can recall
When we get into the next beta test I’ll mention it.

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All Stay Connected does is stops the screen saver from kicking in. It keeps the correct state only insofar as you don’t switch between apps.

Android, iOS, both the same here.

@Bru You’ve rolled over an old log with creepy crawlies under it I’m afraid. People accept what they are used to. But honestly, compared to what it was like 5 years ago, the App is really good. 5 Years back it was pretty hairy.

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