Naim App

Sure, but who knows what’s going on. David was trying to help and asked questions

Volume and now playing on the overview page. Nice!

Any chance of this coming to Android?

The current track may be on the ‘now playing’ at the bottom (which, incidentally I can’t see because my handset’s screen protector has lifted and filled with dust) but it’s good to see in the tracklisting how far one is through the tracklist. Track number isn’t echoed.
+1 for a highlight on the tracklist. Like now listening to Die Walküre and there’s an update for my handset - where do I start off where I finished? Or it’s getting late / have somewhere to be - do I have time to finish listening or start off fresh later? Pausing, going out with the handset and resuming plays the album from the very start.
I like the black.
Not a fan of clean [sic] interfaces, just a euphemism for overly bright screens, hard to find navigational pointers IME and why some website with only white screens I rarely visit.

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