Naim Black Friday Promotion in Canada - November 9-30, 2023

My local Naim dealer (I’m in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) is advertising 20% off the Naim Nait 50th Anniversary integrated amplifier, as well as, 20% off the Naim 5si integrated amplifier and the Naim CD5si CD player.

According to the ad, the promotion runs from November 9-30, 2023.

I want a refund!


This is what Positive Feedback posted a bit earlier today, presumably for the US but likely the same for Canada.

20%* off on all home products, including:

Focal Theva, Vestia, Kanta speakers
All Focal Headphones
    Celestee - $639 sale price
    Clear Mg - $1,199 sale price
    Stellia - $2,399 sale price
    Utopia 2022 - $3,999 sale price
    ^10% off Focal Bathys - $629 sale price
    Naim Uniti Atom Headphone Edition - $3,039 sale price
Naim Mu-so Qb 2nd Generation
Naim Uniti line

*The promotion is valid on all home products, except Focal Utopia, Sopra and Aria speakers, Naim Mu-so 2nd Generation, Statement and Naim 200-300-500 Series.

Nobody runs a sale/promotion/special unless they have to!


My dealer here in the US is advertising 20% off of a whole slew of Naim and Focal products. NAP 250 DR Amps, 202, 282 and 252 preamps, Supercap, Hicap, CD5si, NDX 2, ND5 XS2, Uniti range, MuSo - just about everything but 500 series or New Classic. I think that the current economic conditions have put a real damper on purchases of hifi equipment, plus the New Classic range has probably killed sales of any remaining Classic range inventory. The next few months could present an interesting opportunity for some of us who have been looking to upgrade. A 252/Supercap/250DR/NDX 2 was out of reach for me just a few months ago, but now, it is certainly getting closer to a price point I could swing. The only hesitation I would have would involve the NDX 2, as I think I might lean toward a New Classic streamer, but the other pieces, based on what I read on here, seem basically bulletproof and serviceable more or less in perpetuity.


That is a very timely update for some of us. Thanks for sharing!

A discounted NDX 2 or an NSS 333 is not an easy decision to make. The NDX 2 can be upgraded with a (discontinued) XPS DR power supply. The NSS 333 can be upgraded with a (more expensive) NPX 300 power supply.

For those in the UK, there is a Muso/QB2 black Friday offer.

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What’s the discount @Gazza?

Muso2 is discounted from £1149 to £899, and QB2 is £799 to £699. Just over 21% for the Muso and about 12% for the QB.

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I can heartily recommend that particular combination!


Agree, sales like this by manufacturers are for good reasons. Why discount if you don’t have to? Many reasons for this, stranded stock (thinking OC), economic climate, competition, sales volumes down so economies of scale not achieved. The list is endless - still - grab a bargain whilst you can :+1:

I thought all of the 50th anniversary integrateds had been sold?

Obviously not! My local dealer is offering the Nait 50 at a reduction of over $1000.

I am thinking that the sale is a signifier that the XS and old classic lines are being either replaced or more likely, being phased out entirely, while the Uniti series is due for some re-work. In any case, I did drop an order in with my dealer.

I received 20% discount on a new 250. Here in France. Black Friday on the 3 November :grin:

Hey FR…….been quiet on that, how is it going?

Still waiting. The dealer said it can be 1 or 2 weeks. I will post the day i will connect it. Be assured.


Oh my, that must be disappointing to those who bought early and paid full price.

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Not really, buying early means longer to enjoy the product = more happiness per pound :slight_smile:

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A Naim dealer in Ontario, Canada, is still advertising the Naim Solstice Limited Edition Turntable as “IN STOCK.”

According to Naim, the Solstice was limited to just 500 units.

I am a little surprised the Solstice is still available. It was released in 2021.

I guess the supply (500 units) exceeded the demand.