Naim Burndy What is it?

No, it’s only supplied with the NPX300.


Which job? , the essential question then.

Time travel is now proven! Someone from the future has appeared on the forum asking a question valid in 15 yrs!


The Italian ?


That thought did occur to me. Maybe ziillo is really Marty McFly.


Definitely something fishy going on…

Its all good i knew it was just a laugh :slight_smile:


Perhaps it’s included in the npx300 bom as “in the box” but it’s otherwise an extra burndy to purchase to connect box X to Y (like the extra snaic you need to use a hicap with an sn).

Or time travel.

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Maybe it’s a new marketing ploy

Did it have a note in there saying “you got the burndy now buy the NPX300”

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Nothing fishy at all, i bought a job lot of audio stuff, some naim stuff and some other products like hifi speakers and stuff similar to a mystery box so to speak online, I’m not sure how the person i bought it off acquired it but there was a 2nd gen muso and a load of other bits, all of which i sold the rest of it online but when i couldnt find the burndy online anywhere i put it away in a box which i only now needed to send an item off and saw it sat there, it came in a plastic cover is the best way to describe it. Maybe they worked for an audio retailer or company, didnt think to ask as i never expected to find a cable that i have no idea about inside lol


Not that i can see, only thing was a part number which i was hoping to find online but couldnt, only reason i think its OEM is because of how its designed, looks like alot of other naim burndys

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Unfortunately not lol, atleast i would of known what it was for instead of countless hours searching it up lol

Well it can’t have been a byob party :rofl: and someone turned up with a burndy instead of a bottle


:joy: (bring your own burndy). Sounds like a good audio themed party if i’ve ever heard of one

Out of interest, when did you acquire this box of swag?

It may have been delivered in a yellow three-wheeled van. Bought from a mush in Shepherd’s Bush. :wink:

Ziillo says there’s nothing fishy, but everything they add makes it sound fishier. A New Classic Burndy in a box of stuff, bought as a job lot on line, ‘not sure how the person I bought it off acquired it’. Someone’s ‘avin a larf.



You can even see the Burndy in place, running from the flux capacitor to power the front wheel!

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Wrong. It was a special grey burndy special edition. Made by Naim in 1985 for DeLorean.

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