Naim CD Player Trade-in Offer, the details thread

In that case I’d better stop buying them……(see latest acquisitions in Music section).

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Hear! hear!

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Makes me wonder if the SN3/NDX2 offer on 8K is still running ?
When will they merge the NDX2 into New Classic box ?

I have yet to explore the Wiim boxes.
Might start with a Pro - not really interested in music streaming but Radio and podcast.
Prices are really fair - below €300, and €400 for the upcoming Ultra.
Sound almost too good to be true.

Good news for you UK folk! Hopefully, distributors can offer something similar, I reckon that would actually drive sales nicely!

@Richard.Dane do you know if this applies to already failed kit as well? Or does it still need to be in working order?

I have Wiim Pro + in my study system, absolutely no complaints sound-wise connected to a Qutest, then a Nait 50. And with close on every bit of functionality you can think of, a great app and packed into a tiny, discrete box, there’s not much to not like!


Neither have I really but I know that one day the laser in the CDS3 will fail and I’d be left with a redundant piece of engineering. Having spoken through the options with Phil at Cymbiosis he painstakingly, and in my case it needed to be painstaking!, and will install the NDX and NAS etc, it seemed like the right time to make the change with the offer that was on the table.



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Last Thursday I traded in a Naim CD player as part ex for a ND5XS2 after delivering my player yesterday I got home to find this on the forum,

Now I have these figures it would have been done differently

A great shame and I will not comment further


At this year’s Bristol show during the Naim demo Mark R said that the 333 was the long-term replacement for the NDX2.

(Edited to say 333 rather than 332, thanks MrFixit for pointing out my typo.)

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Do you really pay any attention to HFN or its “red top “ sister HF Choice?
Seems to be all about keeping the distributors that advertise the most happy.
In how many contexts can you say “inky blackness”?

I assume it applies to both.

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interesting Jamie, I have a few dacs ready for the job.

As I understand the streaming inside Wiim Pro and Pro Plus are identically with the dacs being different, none of the dacs will be used here.

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“The primary differences between the WiiM Pro and the WiiM Pro Plus concern their internal technologies and performance, rather than the way they look. You’ll find a more sophisticated DAC chip with Velvet Sound Technology, superior analogue-to-digital conversion, and lower noise clocking in the WiiM Pro Plus. It also has improved power supply and circuitry and can handle up to 192kHz/24-bit via audio input and 768kHz/32-bit analogue audio output. By comparison, the WiiM Pro handles up to 48kHz/16-bit and 384kHz/32-bit respectively.“

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@richard.dane, I think there might be a couple of errors in the original announcement thread.

It lists the following variations of the successor to the CDI:

  • CDX
  • CDX-2

Given that no other olive players appear in the list, the presence of the CDX in the list appears odd if not erroneous. I’m wondering if the intention is to offer the trade-in on the OC CDX2 and its successor the CDX2-2.

The list comes straight from Naim and the CD5 is on the list too, so I assume it’s correct. From Naim’s PoV a CDX2 is a CDX2 whether it’s an early or late model - there’s no official CDX2-2 designation.


Having a very old CDX stuck in the cupboard, I would be tempted with the NDX2 offer. The only thing is, I have nowhere to put it !

I read their comment about value in yesterday’s issue, I thought it chimed with the above post from Ian relating to cost.

I have owned one for about 6 months and think it’s great.

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Shame that Naim, apart from the DAC V1, have never embraced USB-B inputs to give consumers a full range of options. That way you could use your network-enabled DAC as a DAC by simply adding a laptop (as one frequently sees at hifi shows in network-challenged environments) and not bother with streaming, NASs, and all the other paraphernalia. (I’m sure there’s an Uxbridge English Dictionary definition of that word).

That’s good to hear from a user, just sceptical about magazines these days.
I think I will give one a try

You could buy a quite recent used NDX2 for £3.5k and sell the CD player and be quids in!