Naim firmware update for legacy streamers

Thanks Clare. Successful upgrade to 4.8 this evening. Now need to get the inputs set up again after the factory reset. But did confirm that Tidal was functioning properly in the most recent beta of the Naim iOS app.

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What happens, say, if a person has an NDS and doesn’t update the FW?
Is there a deadline?
(Sorry, I haven’t followed the thread.)

Can’t stream Tidal anymore, should be any day now I believe (Clare said early December is the switchover date, I think)

But can owners not ever update the FW after that date?

I suppose one could always feed it Tidal (or any other music) via a digital input.

I would think they can update any time, but they can’t stream from Tidal until the do

Of course, because then the streamer does not interact with Tidal in any way. The FW update is necessary for streaming Tidal from the Naim app, because for this the streamer must be able to log on to Tidal, and they are changing their log-on method

ah - ok - so the deadline is just for people currently using native Tidal on old streamers.

makes sense now

but easily sorted, just by updating the FW if they do want native Tidal

that all makes sense

All correct except that the FW for all streamers (Mu-so and 2nd gen streamers as well) has been updated because the log-on method changes for everyone

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So the practical outcome is that on the day of the change probably a cohort of unsuspecting native Tidal users will wonder why they cannot log onto Tidal.

Hopefully the vast majority will take to the internet and find out how to sort it out.

Yes, I was wondering about that too, will be fun times on the forum :slight_smile: A friend with a Mu-so certainly had no idea - they always use the Tidal app with Airplay, so never saw the update notification in the Naim app. (And even if someone does open the Naim app, the notification is easy to overlook)

Hi everybody. I’ve also updated my 272 to 4.8 and I am experiencing some issues. I stream almost exclusively from NAS (wired) and lately I am getting rather frequent freezes. When I am swapping between songs, the device just freezes. The display shows Connecting, and only restart (off/on) solve the issue. Apparently it usually happens on hires files, I don’t think I noticed this on regular 16/44. Has anyone else experienced this?
I don’t remember this happening before 4.8 and I didn’t do any other changes to the environment lately.

From the silence here I can assume that this only happened to me :frowning: . I moved back to 4.7 yesterday, will see if this continues to happen or not.

Hi, I have had similar behaviour on 272 with 4.8, but an iPad restart solves the issue of ‘lost’ NAS without the need to restart the hardware. It doesn’t often happen and now I just restart the iPad now and again as a preventative measure which seems to work. Give it a go?

I had the same problem with my NDS and 4.8 but a reset to factory settings solved the problem :blush:

Thank you for your suggestion, the app restart was the first thing I tried. After app restart, the 272 is no longer recognized, it just shows no rooms available.
Also the 272 itself no longer replies to any manual input from the buttons, it is just unresponsive.

Time to do a power off restart of your 272 first! After that I would try a router restart and if that didn’t sort it out, then do a factory reset of the 272. Also kill and restart the app each time of course.

Hi Randi, it was a full iPad shut down I was referring to, not just an app restart. Hope you get sorted.

Yes, got it. I use 2 different mobiles to control the 272, depending on what I’m doing or charge level on one of them. It’s not a mobile app issue, it appears on both of them, it’s a hw issue.
So far so good on the 4.7, but I don’t have yet enough time to do a thorough testing.

Hi Randi, yes I also use two control device; an iPhone and an iPad. I also noticed that 4.8 is more sensitive to making sure you close and swipe out of app on one device before trying to use the other one. 4.7 didn’t seem as sensitive so you should be ok. Unfortunately I use Tidal and so need to use 4.8.

Well, I haven’t had my Uniti 1 updated (yet) and it still runs on v4.7. Tidal is working perfectly even now. I remember @Naim.Marketing saying in November that the changes will take place two weeks from the date of her post.

I am wondering if there has been any pushback from customers to Tidal about this change, because it doesn’t appear to have been implemented. Had it been so, I would not have been able to access Tidal at all on my Uniti.

It’s happening - TIDAL just deferred the switch-over by a month to avoid any issues over the Christmas period. It’s now scheduled for 17th January.

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