Naim & Focal 10th Anniversary Edition

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Suggesting that naim have prioritised the grey edition over the rest of their work is pure speculation. For all anyone knows they have factored in getting the additional parts required for this temporary alternative to the classic black range.

Actually, it will be Special to those who buy it - because it is highly likely to be their first naim kit.

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I hope you enjoyed tracking through my posts and extracting the appropriate sections to quote. It seems a strange thing to do.

Great collection of relevant comments well done.


The clue is in the bold type, and yes itā€™s easy to see all one persons posts at once in a thread to be able to quote them.

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A sentence that would only be written on the Naim forum :slight_smile:

(Joking. Even here I am seeing interiors younger than the Queen in the system pics thread)

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If it makes you feel clever then thatā€™s fine.

One positive for tin probably hides the dust more than the black boxes, just saying.

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I would much prefer the buttons not to be marked at all I can barely see them from the listening chair anyway.

It is so easy to control the system via an iPad or Phone.

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:grinning: I was thinking of the demographic on here rather that the general population. Speakers tend to be wood veneered like fine furniture not look like something escaped from Doctor Who

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Missed opportunity to rekindle enthusiasm for Vinyl enthusiasts to do a matching Solstice. :thinking:

The Solstice got there first with its cake tin platter.

Seems to have been a half baked idea. :+1:t2:

Its gone quiet.

No activity for 2 hours Richard must be dying to close this thread down ?

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Come on, there must be someone around mentioning that Naim is doomed by introducing these tin models? :joy::crazy_face:


ā€¦and this could be why a lot of forum users are not the intended market for this product :wink:


Me? Iā€™m listening to some very talented musicians playing live local to me. We just had a set from Sam Brothers - young but very talented. Next up, the Magpies. Oh yes, and keeping an eye on the forumā€¦ :wink:


I think are on the wrong thread. :joy: :+1:t2:

Maybe Richard has been necking a few tins (pun intended).!


Mrs Mike says the silver a very elegant design that would work in a modern minimalist design style home or apartment, but not in an older traditional style environment. Which I guess is the target audience anyway.

Iā€™m going to wait for the 20th Anniversary Champagne Edition.

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