Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

The fraim does ring a lot, i first noticed that it did at a hifi shop, just talking next to it.
Shout next to it or if my dog barks in the room, you can really hear it.
I guess its designed too? What ever it is, it works, my music has never sounded so alive, using the fraim, my last rack sounded half dead in comparison to it

Having spent last night building up my Fraim, I can say a couple of things for sureā€¦

It looks absolutely great. Especially with the Track Audio Solid Feet Cups Iā€™m using.

The other observation is that the profit margin must be off the scale! ā€¦Iā€™m looking at Ā£7000 of racks that would perhaps cost Ā£1500 to make. I take @Richard.Dane ā€™s point about R&D - and Iā€™m probably not the first person to question the VFM. Running a Hi-Fi business is a mixed economy of course - so I get that some things subsidise others.

Iā€™ve not had chance to take a view on the sonics yet - but will post my views. Iā€™m not expecting a revelation, but more clear improvements.


Iā€™m impressed you didnā€™t drop any of the ball bearings at least once. Photos of course please!

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The Track Audio Solid Cups as I mentioned in an earlier post. Look really good, and work really well.

I heard about them as Kudos recommend them to go under the 808ā€™s - they do that because itā€™s Track that are the subcontractor for the steel feet and spikes that are fitted to the 808, so the visual match is perfect.

Theyā€™re Ā£70 for 4 - and come in a natty wooden box.


Still work in progress - had to replan things as my Isol-8 power conditioner wouldnā€™t fit! ā€¦itā€™s now on top as you can seeā€¦not as I planned it, but it looks ok! ā€¦because of this - and because the EE switch is TINY - Iā€™ve held off on opening the final two levels Iā€™ve bought - may not need them.

Still some cables visible - please forgive that - it wonā€™t be the case shortly :blush:

Bonus point to anybody who can spot the little mistake Iā€™ve made with the build :see_no_evil: ā€¦Iā€™ll sort that, it was late!

555 Streamer and CD555PSā€™s not back in situ yet, eagerly awaiting thier return. Slots there ready.

Many ballbarings were dropped in the making of this rack!

You canā€™t quite make it out on these pics - but the Isol-8 has a custom Naim Green LED - that makes me very happy. I also had to move the feet forward slightly - it overshot the rather shallow Fraim Glass!

Iā€™ll post finished pics in the appropriate place when Iā€™m happy that itā€™s finished and all the fingerprints have been removed!


It all looks outstanding! Congratulations.

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The base of the right stack is upside down?

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The points are yours Sir! ā€¦was truly on autopilot at that point - and, well I just did it like all the others :roll_eyes:

I think thereā€™s a variation of Murphyā€™s law that says anything that can be done wrong will require the maximum possible available effort to correct it. Obviously itā€™s the bottom one :confounded:


Indeedā€¦ you eyeing up a stiletto for the lp12 for the full black on black look?


Definitely thinking about it. Itā€™s justā€¦ Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£

But that lookā€¦


Looking good.
But just get the black shoe polish out for the lp12 plinth lol

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Just consider that a saving on the therapy costs if you donā€™t, now that the thought has entered your mind.


ā€™ve still got lots of cable dressing to sort yet but who cares, itā€™s beer Oā€™ clock & party time, itā€™s been a rather long day. I have to say i enjoyed building the Fraim, i found it therapeutic :rofl:


Strangely I did too. Nice work. I think youā€™ll notice how music just falls into place.

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Looking great. I wasnā€™t sure on the positioning of the Naim Badge myself - I went bottom one, yours looks really good next one up though.


Yes I think if you are going to have the badges then they look best one shelf up.

Yep - agree - Iā€™ll swap them around when I address my little error.

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I love seeing a bit of kit in there like the Bluesound Node 2i :+1:


Itā€™s absolutely great - better than many much more expensive streamers. Canā€™t say Iā€™m going to miss it - because itā€™ll mean the return of my 555 - but I canā€™t recommend it highly enough.



My system is at a more lowly level of (recent to me) Supernait 2 with a CHC CAP but I plan to put something like a Chord Qutest on my Bluesound Node 2i (which is not my main source) and that will serve my CDP too :+1:

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