Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

I never really know what this means… What are you going to do? …put little foam things around the cables so they don’t touch the floor?

Hi Matt

Looks awesome, I love the black Fraim with the Blk boxes, the Yorkshire in me (so far) has held me back from investing so much into a rack (perceived value for money)…I currently use Isoblue… but yearn for Fraim…where is the Nd555…
You already know this, the LP12 is poss the wrong finish…

Have a great weekend

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No not really, just tidy things up so everything is neater. I’ve found it near on impossible with the cables not touching with Fraim where as with my modified D.I.Y thing from Argos it was easy.

Yeah - that’s what I’m thinking. Neat is good. Foam thingys is a bit far.

Argos you say - good stuff - I must therefore thank you for your little contribution to my own investment! :blush: …great company - I owe them a lot - and I’ll not have a word said against them!

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Looking fantastic Matt. Look forward to seeing it with the ND555 and 555PS. You’re a lucky man!


That looks amazing Stephen. Have you found any difference in the sound quality?


Thank you. The system is sounding a bit more lively than it did, more steely and a touch harder. Not sure if it’s because it’s been powered down or not but it’s less relaxing than it was. I’m really hoping it doesn’t become fatiguing but relaxed as the system warms up. I love the look though.


I asked Isol-8 to put me a “Naim Green” LED in the Substation - they charged me an extra £40, but I’d say they nailed it…

…this thing makes a really big positive difference to the sound. Been working with Naim kit for years - so they get it.


Give it a few days to settle down. Hopefully you’ll hear some improvement! Powering down, unplugging cables and plugging back in all takes time to settle down. You’ve made it! And have your ideal system.


Och, man, yon right hand base is upside doon … :man_facepalming:

Nivir mind, another day.

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I’m sure it will settle, Stephen. ‘Steely’ is definitely not what the SN3 does…

I reckon a couple of days and you’ll be happy as a clam with your Fraim :+1:

Lovely looking too.


Looks great Matt. :ok_hand:t5:

Cheers, Rack.


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Thank you. Yes things are already improving as i type. I’ve had my system totally dismantled and powered down for a few days now so that would’ve almost certainly had a change on things for sure. A new rack, change of position, cables unplugged, re-routing, different stack orientation etc… I have no regrets at all so far, it looks really smart and a lot more compact as well. I thought the Fraim would be really blingy and imposing but actually it isn’t at all.


I know! …it’s only time isn’t it. And a bit more knuckle skin. :joy:

You’ll get used to the sound and really start to appreciate it. At least that was my impression.

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I always enjoy building the Fraim up. It’s simple but rewarding when it’s all put together.

Cheers, Rack.



Of any NAIM product, SQ improvement per £ spent must be the lowest with the FRAIM, in my view.


Kinda confirm my suspicion that Fraim are not made to fit power conditioners (or so as Naimers usually denounced them)

Thinking agn as I have a P20 power plant…and I’ve been thinking Fraim all along. Hmmmm

There are a few work around solutions for when the rear leg gets in the way, as long as its not the actual box thats to deep.
I have come up with a few ideas over the last few months, to work around melco and dcs.

A rather different kettle of fish for me today.

I now feel like i’m properly hearing my system for the very first time. The bass is significantly tighter, more ‘out of the speaker’ detail is also apparent. The music as a whole is just more coherent. Just better in every way. I’m a happy chappie for sure. Thanks to this great thread for all the advice, guidance, tweaks, twerps and what nots. What a fantastic forum this is! :nerd_face: :+1: