Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

What is the conventional wisdom on the subject of a turntable sitting on the glass shelf atop Fraim?

I see a few on here with alternative isolation platforms- why is the standard glass shelf not suitable? Is it in some way a sub-optimal platform? I’ve had my t/t on the glass shelf for years but have never heard a comparison with something else.


My Linn is on a wall shelf because our floorboards are old and bounce! Plus, one less level needed on the Fraim.


I have an isoAcoustics platform under my TT. It sounds better that way, but I have a Fraimlite as the top shelf. The bass especially is more refined and stable with the platform (I have full-range floorstanders and two subs in the room). The other thing is the Fraimlite is the wrong size/shape to support my TT dustcover.

Sorry for the slight derail, I have the same system - though my HC and XPS are the opp way round, would it be a better idea to have the XPS at the bottom?

Great question. I also have the same system and I have my HiCapDR at the bottom (bottom right).

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I’ve always been advised and believed in having the PSU with the largest transformer (XPS) furthest away from the source component. FWIW i haven’t tried the HiCap on the bottom tier…but i’m now in a happy place and do not wish to currently do so either.

I used to have my SN3 on the top shelf and NDX 2 second from top. Swapping both those components around to what i have now definitely brought improvements all round, including the cable dressing, such as the Burndy off the floor, etc.


I found that thing as a perfect tool to clean the fraim :smiley:


What is that?

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A dust cleaner, is slim and long so it fits between shelves and gear, keeps the equipment clean and free of dust, without of taking shelves apart.

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I made mine, works a treat!


I get my maid to dust my Fraim it works a treat as well. :grin:


I’m 68 today and that has made me mildly excited. I wish I could remember why. :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday, I’m 68 at the end of the month. :+1:

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I’m feeling younger already.

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You’re a pup.

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Happy b’day @bruss

Excuse me, which bit got you mildly exciting?
Remembering your birthday today. Or maybe something else?
LOL :joy:


I feel an old git at 59 until I see the guys at hifi shows and after the age of forum members kept being disclosed. This seems to be predominately a mature man’s hobby . It’s easy to figure out why.


Happy birthday

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Vintage cars, Golf, watches and jewellery, match day programmes ( for : insert football club here), coins and stamps …

So many passions for gentlemen to saviour and collect

And HiFi :+1:

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