Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

I’ve long hankered after a FraimLite but the initial cost and unsuitability to earthquake prone areas has held me back. However, one thing related to value for money (and this applies to any rack) is that unlike hardware upgrades, a rack can stay in service to benefit multiple systems over the owner’s lifetime and doesn’t have a recurring maintenance cost like recapping.

People talk about their next box but far less often talk about their next rack. One of mine has now served four AV systems over twenty years. If it had been Fraim, I’d have forgotten the cost a long time ago.

I do think that shifts the value needle a bit. Then I look at some really high end racks and then Fraim starts to seem like an entry level priced rack.

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A Fraim Lite is definitely much better value. You can add glass plates very cheaply as well, which I think looks better anyway.


Yeah I dislike the look of glass sufficiently where I’d happily take a performance hit and go for FraimLite to satisfy my personal taste.

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Yes not sure that changes value statement as opposed to lifetime ownership cost statement… the two are different in my mind.
My full fat Fraim has indeed lasted many systems, and has supported Naim and non Naim. I do feel however it is starting to look a little dated in design now…

That’s what I’ve done works perfectly there’s a bit of fiddling with nuts I’ve used to suspend the glass.

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Do you think part of that is simply down to the fact you’ve been looking at it for decades? It doesn’t seem particularly millenial to me.

My three Quadraspires are from a design even older and about ten years back I pondered whether they looked dated. Now I feel they’ve come over the hump to feel timeless. Like Danish 60s furniture.

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Could be… but some of our furniture we have had for a lot longer, but doesn’t feel dated in the same way. Perhaps it’s me

I have Quadraspire Q4 Evo brains and brawn stacks with 32mm SVT columns (I forget which type of wood laminate the shelves are made from).

They are spiked through carpet and underlay onto a concrete floor.

They are levelled with a spirit level and feel stable.

I use 10mm toughened glass supported by large round-ended chromed steel nuts under the three components on my brains stack.

Would I really hear a significant difference in SQ if I replaced them with Fraim (ignoring all other criteria such as what they look like, etc)?


Oh please not you too. :rofl::grin::rofl:

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Don’t do it, Mike!

It’s a slippery slope to Carry On Land. :grimacing:


I expect my Quadies will follow me to my last days.

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The SimRack is a very good alternate racking system.

I was advised by my dealer that it has a similar sound quality level to the Fraim Lite rack.

When I was looking to change my rack, looked at the Fraim, but couldn’t quite stretch to it. So considered the Fraim Lite and the dealer mentioned the SimRack.

Worked out well in the end. Being a bit narrower, when I went for two racks side by side, they fitted in better to the available space.



Knew you’d pick up on that one :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grinning::rofl:

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How does a rack affect SQ?

Isolation from vibration of air, floor, components and cables.
Resonant properties of the rack’s materials, design and build.
Heat dissipation.

Anything else?

How does Fraim give better SQ than my Quadraspire on any of these criteria?

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To me, SQ is the whole package.

The effect it has on what you hear. For example, many years ago a friend of mine had a Thorens deck, an Audiolab Amp and CDP. They were just on a table in his lounge.

When he was at mine one day, he asked why my system sounded betted than his, which at the time, was on a Quadraspire Evo4 rack.

We discussed racks and he got an Evo4 for his system. To cut a long story short, this had the effect of tightening up the sound and making it more defined. The bass had lost its wooliness and was now cleaner. The sound stage was better.

Unfortunately, I can’t answer if a Fraim rack would give you better SQ than your Quadraspire as I’m not familiar with your system or room set up.

Like anything in Hi-Fi, different horses for different courses and at the end of the it’s only a hobby and comments are opinions based on our own system, with so many variables taking effect.



Did you choose your current rack solely on the basis of SQ?

Did it improve SQ compared to what it replaced?

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Simple answers.




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Mine exactly….

Kind of linked to two of your points, but critical damping as well as isolation I would say is pivotal… and this will depend on weight.