Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

As many have said…

A CD TRANSPORT OR MID/HIGH END FULL CD PLAYER Sorry for shouting , but how many times do we need to say it…

Do they realise how many of us still play CD’s ?


‘They’ probably have the sales figures for the final months of the CDX2, CD3S and CD555 in mind…


You missed the words “very small” out before “sales figures” :wink:


What would really help this topic are the sales numbers, something that you regularly see from the auto industry.
For example, 2022 yearly total sales by series and model if possible.
I would guess that there is a trend showing one box solutions having a brighter future, at least outside of UK.
Any chance getting the yearly sales numbers.

A 222 is what I want, what I really really want!

(I’ll get me coat on the way out!)


A proper dedicated no compromise headphone amp…

Everyone who wants a new/better cd player than the CD5si should email Naim Marketing.A year or two ago-I got a response like “not very likely”.Emailed a few days ago and the answer was quite different although they told me some new research would need to be done first.


… and then ask themselves how come other manufacturers are producing CD players.

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I seriously doubt Naim dare to enter CD market again.
Even with a revival sort of a’like vinyl, they won’t do it.

Imagine many previous owners of very expensive Naim CD players - now destined as a doorstop box only - would risk buying again ?
Nah - doubt it.

Naim failed in securing a proper stock of parts to be able to support their CD customers.

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The yearly manufacture numbers are easy to count, look at the serial number page.

That tells you little, and of course doesn’t tell you what is a Statement and what is an Atom. It also doesn’t include the huge number of Mu-Sos sold, which have their own unique serial numbering.


As will (eventually) just about everybody selling CD players, so let’s not pretend this is just a Naim issue.

And let’s give credit to Naim where it’s due; Naim can still service all their players, it’s just sourcing and storing the laser mechs that’s problematic - and always have been. But they have done a lot better than most high end audio companies on this score, and they still keep their eye firmly on the market looking for any decent NOS stocks.

I remember very well the calls and emails I used to get from owners of other high end branded CD players that used Philips Pro mechs begging me to let them buy one from Naim’s precious stock of spares (I refused, of course, as they were strictly for Naim’s own customers). This was a good 15 years after the mech had been suddenly discontinued by Philips and Naim had scrambled to secure as many spares as they could.

And Naim have even gone to the lengths of re-engineering the old discontinued CDS3 in order to extend its serviceable life by enabling it to take a VAM1202, where most would have just not bothered, or just given up on mech support after the basic guarantee of the last player expired and the last stock exhausted.


Just curious, but was there a reason behind the different numbering of the Mu-so range, do you know…?
One box system? First product(s) to be manufactured overseas?


The Mu-Sos are not made at the Naim factory, instead manufacture is subcontracted, so they have a different serial number system.


One more wish for the half-width streamer! Preferably with a monitor and some buttons.

Would fit right into a new (classic) half-width 100-series. NAC 110 NC, NAP 150 NC, NSS 111 NC and NAIT 100 NC. No external power supplies, all in contemporary boxes in line with those shipped with the solstice. Nothing too fancy, just simple functions and a nice entry to the brand.

The nait 100 would already be done, just a new case for the nait 50.
The nss could have a ‘classic’ version as well, where the exterior matches the 50.


It would be nice to get back to the “good” old days when “reed” relays were reliable.


Yes, to some extent. I would like to know by series and market. So for example. Are Unitis overtaking the other series, especially outside of the UK market. I just don’t see the growing demand for separate power supplies and stacking boxes.

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Talk of all the shoe box stuff reminds me of early ‘83 when I took my late wife to the Swiss Cottage show and we heard a Linn LP12/Ittok/AT cartridge I think/42.5/140/ Saras or Kans? She remarked on what a “fantastic sound from such a compact system”. Never thought about 2 stacks back in those days!


Sorry. My question still stands. If there are 1,973 of these units, how do you determine which one you’ve got?