Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

Car manufacturers use tape for bonding panels together.

These don’t droop and are used in all extremes of them operate them in all extremes of temperatures.


Would love a 200 series integrated, a SN4, completely analogue but with a digital volume control, 100W @ 8 ohms and 28Amps current capable. A combination of 222 and NC250.


I see your point, some are defining this as “brighter” some would same “more definition” or “more transparent”.
Most brand are nowadays moving in this direction, with more high and more bass…sound from bands, news records are moving the same way…perhaps to get the inital “wouahhh” factor required to sell…but moving a bit away from my liking…i need lots of mids :wink:

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I’d get one of those

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It will be SN5.

Expand the Nait 50 CB style to include a half-width streaming dac, NAC, and NAP for a complete 100 series stack.


I agree. I expect there’s a reason why naim haven’t already done this - marketing and forcing users to buy separates and PS boxes has a lot to do with it!


Wouldn’t that be 50-series?

‘Hey, don’t blame me dear … they FORCED me’

I would love for Naim to get in on the LPS market by reintroducing the NAPSC, Flatcap, and HiCap with high amperage output and selectable voltages for 5, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24v specifically for non Naim components.

I can’t be the only one who thought about powering my turntable from a HC. Sadly, the voltage might match but the current is too low.

Only if they make it, and you naim it :wink:

Special Trade In program with 50% discount of S1 Pre for those upgrading from NAC552 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Being very deeply invested in Head-Fi as a hobby I would really like to urge Naim to simply put all three relevant connectors (6.3 SE, XLR and Pentaconn 4.4mm) on every single Naim unit that is serious about its headphone amplification part.

Seeing the Nova PE come with only a 3.5 SE connector automatically invalidates it as a potential upgrade to my Naim Atom HE as it would force me to purchase new cables for all my headphones…

Message to Naim: please standardise on the industry’s main connectors on every model that has a serious headphone amplifier inside.

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I think they have and the only serious one is the Atom HE.

Well … with each recent new device Naim has claimed that the headphone section was improved compared to the Naim HE … If that really is case, then why kneecap them by adding a 3.5mm SE for instance???

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Oh. I wasn’t aware they had made such a claim. The HE came after the Nova though. Products after the HE would be the New Classics. The only Uniti after the HE is the Nove PE but thats the same as the older Nova with a different power amp section.

The closest HE-like product is the 222. I’d rather have a dedicated full analogue only headphone amp though. Maybe wish for a HeadLine 3?

As far as I’m aware the only devices to be released after the Atom HE that include a headphone amp are the 222 and 332, both of which use 6.35mm headphone jacks, not 3.5mm, using a headphone amp based on the Atom HE design. Obviously these are not specifically aimed at headphone users, thus the lack of a range of connection options provided in the HE.

The Nova PE supposedly also has an “upgraded” headphone section compared to the Atom HE, as indeed do the 222 and 332 … And I agree, 6.3mm SE is better than 3.5mm SE, but even the 222 and 332 should have come with XLR4 and Pentaconn connectors …

How bout some merch? Hats? Mugs? Little pins for your Barbour jackets. Cmon!?

A top Accuphase CD player.