Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

How about a micro DAC headphone amp to plug into a phone?

I’d like a revival of the vintage poster series.

Along with a shoebox streamer to match the 50…Broken record.


Please don’t mention the word “kneecap”

Some of us have to live with them


Best wishes


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Wditters, I haven’t heard that (and would be surprised if so) and have checked over all the info I could find - could you tell me where that’s stated by Naim? Perhaps any reference to the upgraded HP section is in relation to the standard Nova or the previous Uniti series?

They had something not to dissimilar with the UnitiQute, DACV1 and NAP 100

There is definitely a great liking for half size boxes by forum users

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Half size boxes seem popular. Gold Note have just launched a cd player the CD-10. Seems odd but maybe the cd revival starts here. :grinning:

I made the same mistake Richard.

The advertising for the Nova PE referred to ‘improved headphone amp’.

I took this at face value until someone burst my bubble by pointing out that the wording used was lifted directly from the, now, 7 year old wording introducing the current Uniti range.

Obviously, no new headphone amp.

I had hopes that the PE would be a true ‘SuperNova’, with uprated streamer, pre-amp & power-amp. This doesn’t appear to be the case so I will just keep on waiting & hopping.

That said, my nearly 5 year old Nova still sounds fabulous to me and I am not that bothered whether or not an upgraded model arrives, although I would certainly be interested if one did.


definitely popular w me; I love the size and unfussy nature of my UQ1 - just set it down and connect. would love the option to add more power or a dedicated streamer if it made a difference SQ-wise. in a way it’s sort of a bridge between the full-size multi rack systems and what’s being discussed in the downsizing thread. for some people, the one-box solution just isn’t enough. half width components may bridge that gap… :man_shrugging:

Gold Note do have a bit of Naimism going on though. You can add a separate power source to the cd-10. They are all going to drag you in to the upgrade race. :smiley:

With the release of the PE I think we can stop hoping. Where would such a product fit in?

Atom - 2,6k
Nova - 5k
Nova PE - 10k
222 + 250 - 15k

What I’m hoping for is a shoebox streamer with screen (100 series?). Ideally a streamer only, without a DAC, although I don’t see that happening.

Simple, an upgraded replacement for the current Nova.

Not interested in more power (fairly small listening room in which the current Nova can deafen me) but would be very interested in even better SQ.

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I think releasing the PE with identical spec (excluding power amp) to the Nova is evidence the Nova won’t be replaced anytime soon. Otherwise the PE would make little sense as it would soon be obsoleted.

I have three or four Barbour jackets, so I’d buy four or five Naim pins.

As to your other suggestions, I wonder sometimes if “Naim mugs” are the customers who have sunk so much money into their music replay systems.


Haha! I paid so little for the Naim components of my main rig that I sometimes feel like I stole it. :smiley: I’m probably still a (happy) mug though.

Just to complete the list, so we can all speculate where there’s room for new products :wink:

Star - 4k

222 + 250 + 300 - 22k
222 + 250 + 2x300 - 29k
332 + 333 + 2x350 - 33k
332 + 333 + 2x350 + 1 -4x 300 - 40k, 47k, 54k & 61k respectively.

My guess is that you are correct, unfortunately, unless the PE is a test bed for class D amplification in this type of all-in-one. Again, appears unlikely to me.

Something like this, perhaps?

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222 + 250 = £12.4k. I paid less :grinning:.

If you pay in GBP, where I live it’s EUR.

I suspected as much. Thanks for clarifying.

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