Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

Hmmm… I think it’s a matter of the customer getting what the customer wants, as more important than whether formal procedures are applied, not the manufacturer being less off the hook. The fact that both parties gain from the flexibility is surely a goid thing. I have a campervan that had the main electrical controller develop a fault while still under warranty. The supplier could have insisted that I travel to their premises to have it replaced, which would have cost me something in excess if £400 in travel expenses, and best part of two days’ of my time. Instead I agreed with them that they send me the part and I fit it myself. It took well under half an hour. And I now have the old part which I can repair and keep as a spare against a similar fault developing sometime in the future when out of warranty. I feel I have gained in this process. As I have it in writing by exchange of emails that they were happy for me to do the fitting then there can be no argument about warranty issues in the future.


I Agree. It’s poor and shoddy. Using superglue; it’s not Goodmans in the 1970’s! I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come with NAIM’s less expensive all in one ‘music centre’ products.

In terms of the thread, I think NAIM should launch a high end integrated hi-fi amplifier, and a separate high end streamer. That would appeal to those wishing to reduce the number of black boxes in their homes.

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It’s strange that the droopy logo has affected Nova units, but have not seen the same reports for Atom or Star.

Would have thought they all used the same tape.

I guess the Atom is half (ish) width, so lighter. But doesn’t the Star have the same logo strip as the Nova ?

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And to get back on thread. I’d like a half width amp, but with tape monitor loop added


No – we had three replacement Nova’s before they finally resolved the issue at the time…no way I was accepting anything less.

It was Mr Halibut who said he had a bar sent out to him, which again is failing….


Oops, my mistake. I read your post to which you linked, incorrectly. Sorry.

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It used to be possible to get those label tabs on an A4-sized sheet. You would then be able to substitute ‘phono’ for ‘aux’.

It might be worth ringing a few Naim dealers to ask if they have anything in a storage cupboard or the back of a drawer.

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Like a SN3 and NDX2? Or higher-hi-fi?

Higher. Statement level. Something to rival Dartzeel, D’Agostino, CH, Soulution and the like.


Lets be realistic
Naim will come up with a Statement SuperNait in a 222 cabinet.
Price will be around 65% of 222/250.

Their forthcoming entrylevel will likely be a miniature Muso Qb with a battery pack.


Shouldn’t be a problem as there seem to be hundreds left in Salisbury stock.

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Next gen Muso

An entry level streamer with screen. Ideally shoebox size.

Currently the gap between a mu-so or Qb and a full Naim system is too big. As I don’t see Naim filling that gap themselves it would be good if they at least provided an entry point for existing systems to enter their ecosystem.

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Thanks for that label info Graham. It’s given me an idea … :wink:

Daniel Herz integrated amps all include four channels of amplification and active crossovers. Maybe something to consider.


My CDS3 failed twice, the second time it was not repairable. I replaced it with a Pro-Ject CD transport running through the NDX2. It’s quite nice and as good (or better!) as the CDS3.


Is the Statement V2 rocket powered?

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That’s what i really wanted to see, but obviously hasn’t happened.
But i did manage to do, albeit not with naim.
But hopefully maybe the future will bring such an item.


I mentioned full integration of Apple Music above but it didn’t seem to be high on anyone’s list. Apple, according to their adverts, have a huge catalogue of music in CD and higher quality - will I need to change to Sonos :joy::joy: to listen to it.
I suppose a better suggestion would be for Naim to make more hi-res streaming services available natively. Without access to these services the youngsters will not come on board when they do eventually earn enough to pay for the kit and more worryingly some of us will buy different front ends. Can’t be good for business.


Stack them if space is the priority :wink: