Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

I always liked the HDX which was a one-boxer fileserver-streamer-DAC with the option of an external DAC (the nDAC with XPS was great) and more external disk. Or an external ethernet streamer via UPnP. Not great with the HDX was the cumbersome use of embedded Windows and the inclusion of yet another delta-sigma DAC. I much prefer the sound of R2R/NOS DAC:s and dont appreciate having bundled delta-sigmas in every product from Naim.

My current ersatz-HDX: Melco N1ZH/2 + Melco D100 + Holo Sprint 3 KTE NOS-DAC. The N1 supports minim/songkong or twonky, qobuz-streamer, qobuz-downloader, vtuner,cd-player, cd-ripper (cd require the D100) and Melco App. There is a player isolated ethernet port for an external UPnP-streamer.

Just Realized same on mine…two month old :face_with_thermometer: . Q check can be improove. Will check with my dealer soon

I’ve been speaking with Naim Support about this and they are sending me a new logo bar. We have agreed that before I fit it I will put a tiny drop of superglue at the logo end. I reckon the sticky tape is affected by the heat from the LEDs, which reduces the stickiness and leads to the drooping. It’s going to be reported to R&D, as clearly the previous fix - stronger tape - isn’t working reliably.


A single box that will replace the 552/300 4 boxes,

or is that the Nait 50?

Practically I still like the idea of a half size statement one box 500 performance level system if it could be achieved.

For me source has to be separate so a high level streamer to match with an internal plug in dac module to allow hw updates as dacs become more sophisticated, but add Amazon HD, its the future.

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I’m not convinced about this idea at all. My original Nova (2/2018) had this drooping bar problem. Naim took it back, blamed the tape, and sent a new Nova. I’ve had the replacement since Feb 2018 and have not experienced the drooping bar problem since. My Nova gets used regularly, sits in full sun near a south facing window and by a radiator. I would probably(?) need a blow torch to melt the glue in the tape. However, they did have a sticky tape issue where the glue was not good enough, and maybe it’s happened again. This is a quality control issue at the factory. Naim need to do better than this.

As for sending parts out for customers to fix the product themselves, that’s a low blow! If you fit your own parts, where does that leave the repair warranty? To me, this feels very wrong of Naim.

Personally, my experience of Naim’s warranty repairs, servicing and other repairs has been exceptional. I sincerely hope this isn’t a lowering of Naim’s standards.

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Is this “tape mount” a result of a cost-down exercise, or is there any other advantages ?

Tape mounting of logos etc is standard across most manufacturing these days. It is not only Naim who does this. You can buy rolls of this tape from many places and it normally works remarkably well in much the same way as adhesives do.

best check mine tonight too then!


It’s only a logo. They are happy to send it to me and it’s hardly rocket science. Otherwise it’s a case of sending it to a dealer, me driving to the dealer and the dealer fitting it. I’m sure that if I hadn’t told them I was confident to fit it as well as a dealer then a dealer would be involved. I don’t want to waste a morning when it’s something I can do myself in a few minutes.


I’d like a single box that contains multiple crossovers and power amplifiers that can be added to a NSC222 providing a two box active system for my Keilidhs. Obviously PSU upgrades would be an option.

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No! It’s a feature piece of the series flagship, which is a blooming’ expensive bit of kit.

Not the point. It’s a manufacturing fault which Naim should insist on repairing themselves. I repeat my question: what of the repair warranty if you repaired it yourself?

I understand and sympathise with the convenience to yourself point that you make, but I can’t help feeling you let Naim off the hook here.

Anyway, it’s your Nova and your choices. I hope all works well in the end.


A Christmas Nait 50 for me and Richard Dane - out of respect for all the work I did and Richard’s ongoing efforts to repair the damage.


That’s suggesting I be without music for weeks while it’s sent to Salisbury, rather than sorting it out myself, which is really not sensible.

It’s hardly going to effect the warranty - say the dac died, it can hardly be blamed on a replacement logo, and Naim have it on record anyway. I’d suggest you are creating an issue where none exists.

I’ll make sure I don a white lab coat, steel toecaps and a crash helmet, and earth myself to the radiator before embarking on this highly complex repair.


I hope you’re going to provide photographic evidence :joy:


Including cars etc. most don’t fall off - but some do, presumably duff tape, poor surface prep before sticking, or inadequate pressure immediately after.

I want it for my office so powered speakers would go with it for me.

Naim Unity 3 (202/200+ based)
CD shoe box (not slot load!)
Streamer shoe box

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Like I said earlier, it’s your Nova and your choices. I do sincerely hope all works well and the problem is fixed.

I’d appreciate it if your responses to me were less sarcastic and childish.

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Sorry dad.